So, yesterday night I was at a concert. Real nice music, and to my parent's dismay I close my eyes even in live music, and just let the hearing be the main sense. So I'm listening to a piece that just happened to have a variation section which made it last at least half an hour, and at one point while I'm listening I suddenly feel my body fall asleep and my energy body shift in about half a second, making that fun sort of falling sensation happen quite quickly. I like the falling, but it surprised me because as far as I was concerned I was awake listening, and I jumped a bit. Thankfully nobody but my mother noticed.

So after I accepted that I probably was trancing when I listened to stuff this way, I probably spent another hour and a half in delta or theta state, whichever the two are. If I recall correctly, 15 minutes or so in theta is enough to pretty much completely rejuvenate the mind, and yet my projection attempt later that night showed distinct lack of energy. It was one of those irritating experiences where you start your attempt and then wake up in the morning, like even if you did project you just fell to the floor and were paralysed.

So what's with that? I'm -pretty- sure that I keep clear distinction between sleep and projection, but if not are there any tips you could give for avoiding this besides projecting in the morning which is in many cases not an option, I would be thankful.