For the so-called law of attraction: people who go with this philosophy are typical esoteric seekers... for something they are missing. I'm wondering about this, because as far as I know most people who hear and make this philosophy as their own in result experience actually the opposite: even more of lack (or no significant change), instead of abundance. On the other hand, from my observations, people who has actually something that others envy them, thanks to their active commitment and involvement in getting it (often directly), are getting even more of that, without conscious dealing with how they think and what they think about. People who teach about many things, including law of attraction, typically are not really aware how they were successful, but their intellects (egos) think that they do... How come, one might ask?

So I started to wondering if the law of attraction philosophy does actually more harm than brings benefits in shorter run.

Because it is about frequencies. When you lack something, you try hard to get out of the current situation - and the more you try, the more you focus on lack, and hence the frequency of lack increases. You (your ego) think(s) that you focus on "having", but your true frequency goes the opposite way.

The revolution - a turning point - in thinking is needed... and maybe even not in thinking actually, you need to transcend your thinking, go beyond it - into something else...

What is that something else?

I think I discovered it. It is focus on the spirit - something what never speaks to you with words, but always, all the time, speeks with inspiration, vision and subtle feelings. I can see that effects are tremendous. It doesn't work in the way that law of attraction is typically presented: that you may lay on a meadown just dreaming and thinking, and something what you dream of is supposed to come to you.

For getting to such a creating-reality point, you would have to be a god. This is because you would have to really make the changes in the current reality, and not attract it indirectly (as law of attraction philosophy is all about). But it is way much easier to just stand up and go away from the meadow... then law of attraction would have much more chances to work.
The spirit won't make you a god in order to bring you for instance a new house - unless you start to really focusing on becoming a god (and it takes usually quite a lot, at least judging by the history of humankind so far); but then it makes no sense to go with "creating" a car, while you go for much more ambitious goal of becoming a god. See the point?

Therefore, there is a hidden catch beyond the law of attraction, which is rarely told: it is actually about developing yourself. This philosophy is more about a requirement for you, and not a tool. Going with the philosophy of attracting things by thoughts requires observing and transforming your mind - and in this sense it might be viewed as a trap.

I can say from my experience which energies help to make realization (manifestation) of things on the earth - and these are mostly:
- Mars: for direct action, activity, engagement and energy
- Jupiter: for widening your perspective and horizons
- Saturn: for getting to the actual point

Other planets work as well, but I ommitted for instance Venus, Sun or Mercury, because they work (from my experience) a different way. Magic or their equivalents is also of help.

The final conclusion is that: lack of something triggers people to be aware of this lack. This forces them to look out for it... and the real effect is (unintended) development of consciousness, because they become conscious of the lack and seek for what does it bring... and thus it brings them to a discovery of some philosophies (like karmic philosophy, law of attraction philosophy, suffering from sins from other incarnations or from your anscestors sins philosophy, Nitzsche's power philosophy... and so forth). Philosophy is a tool for mind (but not for anything else) - it focuses on your thinking, on your mind processes. Thus, each philiosophy is a transforming tool for mind.

But attraction works in a different way. It is about energy, not thinking processes (i.e. meta-thinking about thinking)... hence law of attraction philosophy, paradoxically, is not about attracting, it's about changing yourself in the end. And from that point maybe you would attract more - if you realize that it is about energy. That's how this universe works, from my observations.