This was really surprising: this wasn't actual dream in normal sense. I heard a voice speaking of my astrological birth chart. However, the chart was totally different from what is taught in the western (or any other) astrology. Technically speaking, it seemed like birth chart as seen from the cosmic (not terrestial) perspective...

At the beginning it started quite normal: I was walking around a suburbian territory with a new houses (interesting to note the "houses" - a reference to astrology?) being built, and i wanted to get into one, but I resigned, as it seemed unfriendly or even dangerous.
But at the end the dream totally changed: now I saw my birth chart explained one house by one by a voice.

First, there were no zodiac signs - just 360 degrees, starting with 0 at the top of the circle. This was an equivalent to the zodiac.

Second, it was made in opposite way to the western astrological charts: instead of zodiac signs wheel adjusted to the Earth's horizon's line which produces the astrological houses, in this chart the houses were adjusted to that wheel.

Before I awoke, the voice spoke about 3 or 4 houses. The houses had also not physical meaning (like "fate", as in astrology), but apparently mental meaning (more like our typical tendencies and attitudes). One of the houses explained by the voice referred to my mental ability to equally deal with both science and religion (while most of people have a tendency toward one of them, not two at the same time). The third house in my chart has been described as "freedom". While the voice seemed to intend to continue the explenation, it has been interrupted because I awoke...