Have you ever read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot? You might enjoy it. A similar book that comes to mind is "Autobiography of a Yogi".

Both books seem to have in common that they do question the idea of a Universe as we in the West understand it and give glimpses into a Universe that interacts with consciousness all the time, and is more malleable than we can usually imagine - and I'm including myself there.

Personally I don't feel particularly "married" to the human form in that it precludes so many other experiences which I hope are possible. And I don't think it is needed to be in incarnated form to have these experiences - that it is just one experience among many. Maybe an enlightened being would feel different about this matter but right now I would rather improve the quality of the experience I have here on Earth and the positive impact I might bring than necessarily prolong the whole thing.

I agree that the quality of one's thoughts, one's emotions, one's beliefs, one's environment can shorten or prolong life, no disagreement there. If I had to chose between a longer and a better-lived life, however, I would opt for the latter.