Nice new avatar. I like avatars with an "eye", especially in trianglesBut isn't it christian?
Anyway, I figured that immortality is a step beyond impurities - of energetic/mental nature.
I remember such researches like life between lives which resulted in discovery of a soul needing to be "refreshed" and "purified" after a physical life.
Have you asked yourself why is this needed at all? The purification? Of what and for what reason?
Certainly there is an important reason for that. I'm gonna do some studies on this stuff, i.e. how it works on the soul (or lower, beyond physical, in particular Ka / Prana / Ki / Qi...) level. I think that this is mind, after all, which affects not just DNA but the entire body in the end (depending of an amount of energy that body relies on in a partciular case, which can be increased - and no doubt this is the goal of many eastern exercises). Further more, this is what taoist alchemists stated as well when talking about longevity and immortality.
What I can say from my experience, you can "feel" when you're out of your "tune" - the original vibe or whatever. When this happens, you do not feel entirely yourself (I think this is what deceased are actually talking about when mentioned "returning to home" - home is not a place, it is a state of mind, IMHO). When a living person gathers a "mental garbage" (in large part because of the external, environment influences from the childhood), he or she becomes "impure". Is it good to be impure - in this sense? Obviously not. It's much worse than being physically impureso when choosing priorities, it's better to take a mental "bath" first before thinking of a bath in a physical sense, IMHO.