Another "brick" into the subject is... some differences between what I believed and what are general (modern, basically of course) teachings.

For instance, some people, living today or those who has passed centuries ago estimated the role of qi (personal energy). My feeling is, qi is of course important to life, but its effects are not sufficient themselves. The real "force" responsible for rejuvenation comes from "high", I'd say (or however to name it). Maybe a "spirit-ual" energy? Spirit-infused? In a word, it is not about the gross energy that some people mistake with the source of life.

The interesting view on this subject was given by the American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce who was saying that the spirit is life (sort of substance from which life is created). I think this is how it exactly is.

The energy (or subtle stream) of constant, total rejuvenation is very subtle, calm, inspirational - sort of these qualities. So first it seems not to be directly related to physical life, as it's not gross at all... but my intuitive observation is that this is actually really the energy which causes our whole being to rejuvenate on the constant basis (because it's not just quite about a physical body, as I stated in the previous post). It's rather a way / style of thinking, which then causes physical body to be able to choose its "shape" from a certain available blueprints (potentially infinite in number), further restricted (directed) by our thoughts. DNA can be modified this way - by changing the thinking habbits. And in order to exceed the usual thinking habbits, the "transcendency" is needed. And it's not something mystic - transcendency in my understanding is just another way of thinking: it's just going beyond the "known" territories to thinking, i.e. mental/spiritual/however-you-wanna-call-it exploration.

Makes any sense? Or try to rewrite it in a different words?