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  1. #1

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Yeah, this is where I completely agree. Artificial peolongating of life makes no sense at all. Life comes from spirit, a cell or body is just a tool.

    I am wondering about this global resources issue, which some economists like one who wrote a book on the subject and was an advisor to one of USA presidents says that technology is the key to eliminating this problem.

  2. #2
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    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Does she have before and after pictures?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Does she have before and after pictures?
    I think she has not, she is now actually old, and in those times when she was young (which happened to her then) taking pictures wasn't that often, not mentioning that it was not expected. Do you think she's not telling truth?

  4. #4
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    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Have you ever read "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot? You might enjoy it. A similar book that comes to mind is "Autobiography of a Yogi".

    Both books seem to have in common that they do question the idea of a Universe as we in the West understand it and give glimpses into a Universe that interacts with consciousness all the time, and is more malleable than we can usually imagine - and I'm including myself there.

    Personally I don't feel particularly "married" to the human form in that it precludes so many other experiences which I hope are possible. And I don't think it is needed to be in incarnated form to have these experiences - that it is just one experience among many. Maybe an enlightened being would feel different about this matter but right now I would rather improve the quality of the experience I have here on Earth and the positive impact I might bring than necessarily prolong the whole thing.

    I agree that the quality of one's thoughts, one's emotions, one's beliefs, one's environment can shorten or prolong life, no disagreement there. If I had to chose between a longer and a better-lived life, however, I would opt for the latter.

  5. #5

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Korpo View Post
    If I had to chose between a longer and a better-lived life, however, I would opt for the latter.
    What does mean better-lived? Have you chosen a better-lived life? Or live in fact like all other people (see below, where I write about 2 scenarios).

    (I think it's quite subjective. Taoism is in large part about prolongating lives. A taoist consider a life to be better-lived when all the "requirements" are met - and these lead to health, rejuvenation, keeping energy through whole life, keeping balance and so on - the opposite is considered to be a not-well-lived life).

    This is the point I can see in the society. The biggest fear in the society is about death (aging). When you talk with people about their life choices and where they came from, you quickly realize the bottom line: they are in the constant fear of "not enough".

    Believing that there is not enough time is probably the biggest challange for people. It chokes their choices, and their lives. So they waste their lives because of having this limiting perspective.
    When the fear rules our choices, life is not going to be better-lived. It's going to be an array of of restricting life choices - restricted of course by the circumstances in which we live in, or rather people believe in.

    To realize that problem fully, compare two scenarios:

    SCENARIO 1 - a person live just like others
    Even few or ten years is a lot for you. Twenty years seems to be a veeeery long time. Thirty years is almost like whole life to people (and in fact it is).
    You need money quickly. (mortgage, car, and lots of other stuff).
    You need carrier quickly. (money)
    You need to marry another quickly. (aging)
    ...and many others "quickly"-notion driven needs. Otherwise, if you won't hurry, you won't have X in order to have Y.

    This is the conclusion that I have when talking with people about why they chose this or that in their lives. I can see those choices everyday in the eyes of people.
    They give up their dreams, because they are aging.
    Is this a better-lived life?

    My objective view is that 20 years is really a short time-span, if you think it through.

    SCENARIO 2 - the person is free from this restriction - so he or she doesn't need to worry about aging
    You don't need money quickly. (you have a time)
    You don't need any carrier. (you have a time for earning enough money)
    You don't have any pressure to marry anyone fast. (no need to worry about aging)
    You have enough time for preparing yourself for anything you want.
    You may live up to your dreams - because there's no this "stick" above you which exerts the pressure on you
    (This is how this world has been designed - and if you asked me, it was designed deliberately.)

    See the point?

    This one shift in perspective results in a total revolution in thinking... that's why I'm vividly interested in this subject.

    People typically have subconscious aversion to this. Like to many other things their subconsciousness are accustomed to be so true that they deny anything what could be in conflict with their deeply rooted believes.
    The inspiration from the practical achievements is needed for those "few" who go beyond the current paradigms and limitations.

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    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    I think that's a myth perpetuated by religious groups that want to reserve the right to tell you what to do with your body- and part of the reason that so much mental energy is spent on it is precisely because of all the taboos associated with it. That and food.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I think that's a myth perpetuated by religious groups that want to reserve the right to tell you what to do with your body- and part of the reason that so much mental energy is spent on it is precisely because of all the taboos associated with it. That and food.
    I think so... religions want to control people...

    However, this is purely based on my observation of energy and people. When it is not controlled (and typically is not), you indeed loose it. This energy which we use in sex is much more universal, and can be controlled and directed. Its quality can be increased. Things like tantra or taoist practices - as far as I know - teach how to use and control this energy consciously. The rewards are inummerable... starting from improving and increasing your life impact. Allowing yourself to carelessly loose this energy without awarenes has indeed effect not just on your body - if repeated on the regular basis, it affects your life, as your energy changes. Practically speaking, too much focus on anything (like sex) and energy abuse affect our mental body, aura, energy in general, physical body, and the entire life. Being conscious of what flows through our mind on the regular basis brings a totally new level of actually everything. Learning how to control this energy is invaluable then - we're not talking about ascetecism here.
    Last edited by Antares; 14th December 2019 at 06:00 PM.

  8. #8

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    Increasing the vibrations of atoms involved in the typical body prcoesses changes how chemical reaction work. We don't need to rely on purely material (yin) means, we may use energy (yang) to change how things work, what chemical reaction occur in our body and so on.
    Great Yang is like greeting dogs. Yin behaves according to perfection. Everything else is a (natural phenomenal) synthesis of those two.

  9. #9

    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Alain Herriott, author of Super Charging Quantum Touch outlines a technique he calls "Rejuvenation Technique" utilizing the U-Nan symbol and the 12 color meditation. It must be done every day consistently for an hour to have a 24 hour cycle run continuously. People who have done it have reported reversal of gray hair, wrinkles and old wounds healing. Alain stated that he did the meditation daily long enough to see the return of his original hair color but decided that the hour long daily mediation was too onerous to maintain just to keep the gray away. I have 'played' with the mediation but I cannot consistently set aside the same hour everyday to do the meditation. I really need to return to it again though. I've been trying to heal my adrenals and it's been really slow going. I had been doing it to try and keep myself strong so I could be my brother's caregiver when he was battling cancer. He's been gone now for a couple of years. His death really hit me strong and I had a major relapse that I'm just beginning to pull out of but I keep having mini relapses because of the current stress in my life just doesn't seem to go away. I worry about my husband and my daughter. Both are dealing with stressful issues themselves. My husband had a difficult work environment and chronic pain so I worry about him. My daughter is in her 4th year of college, she switched majors and still is having 2nd thoughts but much of that is fueled from her anxiety and natural indecisiveness. So I worry about her and I often have to deal with frantic phone calls, though she is getting better and has matured a lot these last four years, she still is a major source of stress for me. /sigh/

  10. #10
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    Re: Total rejuvenation - eternal youth state

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrysalis View Post
    Alain Herriott, author of Super Charging Quantum Touch outlines a technique he calls "Rejuvenation Technique" utilizing the U-Nan symbol and the 12 color meditation. It must be done every day consistently for an hour to have a 24 hour cycle run continuously. People who have done it have reported reversal of gray hair, wrinkles and old wounds healing. Alain stated that he did the meditation daily long enough to see the return of his original hair color but decided that the hour long daily mediation was too onerous to maintain just to keep the gray away. I have 'played' with the mediation but I cannot consistently set aside the same hour everyday to do the meditation. I really need to return to it again though. I've been trying to heal my adrenals and it's been really slow going. I had been doing it to try and keep myself strong so I could be my brother's caregiver when he was battling cancer. He's been gone now for a couple of years. His death really hit me strong and I had a major relapse that I'm just beginning to pull out of but I keep having mini relapses because of the current stress in my life just doesn't seem to go away. I worry about my husband and my daughter. Both are dealing with stressful issues themselves. My husband had a difficult work environment and chronic pain so I worry about him. My daughter is in her 4th year of college, she switched majors and still is having 2nd thoughts but much of that is fueled from her anxiety and natural indecisiveness. So I worry about her and I often have to deal with frantic phone calls, though she is getting better and has matured a lot these last four years, she still is a major source of stress for me. /sigh/
    I'm reading Robert Bruce's MAP book and he recommended dedicating 30 minutes a day to worrying and that's it, if you find worry some thoughts arising. Another thing that helps me, but may not be achievable for you because it happens for me fairly easily is to always be aware of my thoughts feelings and emotions, so when a unhealthy thought is triggered in my head I don't have to follow it through. I can redirect my attention to something else. This is where meditating daily comes in handy, it creates an awareness of your thoughts feelings and emotions. Overtime it helps you do it even when you aren't meditating. My mind gets distracted all day and I stay aware of that inattentiveness (which may also be hard for you to do as I started doing it fairly easily). These things help me deal with my life problems. For what it's worth.
    Be yourself and follow the truth, being the truth and following yourself.

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