Hi Robert

I am an ME/CFS sufferer. I have had problems with energy-system damage for quite some time and have received a lot of healing from different people over several years. My problem seems to be linked particularly with the solar plexus chakra/area.

I found your website in mid-September 2006 and started experimenting with the NEW system thinking that it might help with improving energy flow and therefore my health. I did a small amount of tactile imaging as I read through the New Energy Ways document over a period of 3 days or so including a little concentrating on the sub navel storage centre. The effort was quite minimal.

I felt this produce an effect almost immediately with energy rising up through the legs and up through the spine. It felt a bit too strong so I stopped and waited for these energies to go down. My problem is that these energies have stubbornly refused to go away and they leave me feeling rather groggy and more lethargic than normal. I have tried to “switch them off” using certain visualisations but have only succeeded in doing so very temporarily, and then they have start up again.

I have had Kundalini-type experiences before and whereas it has at times felt that they were contributing to some sort of positive transformation- such as shifting blockages in the heart centre- there are other times when it has seemed that the energy-system was stuck in a mode of functioning with excessive energy flow that was wholly unproductive and therefore undesirable.

I also had a peculiar experience reading this forum recently: kundalini-support.com . As I read it over a period of a couple of days, I found that the energies got amplified purely as a result of reading that website. This has not happened with any other website. I presume that I am tuning in to a group of people who are all being “baked” with their own K which then has a sort of resonance effect on me. This experience suggests to me that these energies I am experiencing are indeed K.

Could you please advise me of a way of switching off the K? I have sought help from my healer and had a healing session specifically for that purpose. This seemed to be working for a couple of days but the K then gradually picked up speed again.

Would you be able to heal energy-system damage if I still have health problems once/if these K energies die down?

Many thanks.