What your experiencing reminds me of my brush in I had with a negative entity some time back in my old house. (Though I don't want to rush into things and say it is, im a newbie at things like this) Basically I began to have this unease in my room, as if something wasn't just right but I just shrugged it off and ignored it...well tried at least. Then one night it woke me up from sleep and scared the living hell out of me. I threw a pillow at it this amorphous shaped bending of light and screamed for it to leave...it eventually did. It did this 3 other times over a period of a few months. I eventually tried a few things...cleaned up my room, and prayed over it. It seemed to work, but one day when I thought I felt it's spirit again I shouted out..."In Jesus' name, begone and never come here again." Never seen it again till I moved to this new apartment...lol. But I did what I did to get it to leave the first time and its not been a problem since. I suggest taking back your room, make it clean and feel comfortable...then if your into it use prayer to cleanse the room and if you believe in him, Jesus is a powerful friend who can help you if you want. Shielding, mega salt baths ect...like what the others said the psych defense forum should help a lot! I do the shielding thing myself!