The discussions about enlightenment seem to come up over and over. There are as many opinions as there are people. But, that's ok. I think that enlightenment is whatever you want it to be. Allowing other people to have their beliefs, and being ok with that, can be an important step in each of our evolutions. I haven't always believed this, and I haven't always practiced it. I've pissed off a number of people throughout my life, and in the last year on AD, by being narrow-minded and obnoxious about it (among other things).

In the last year of being on AD, my belief systems have been taken apart, re-arranged, turned upside down, put back together, just to come apart again. What was once unreal, is now real. What was once real is now unreal. It's been quite a ride. But, I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China.

So, for anyone who cares (all 2 of you) here's how things stand now. Enlightenment isn't something you earn. It isn't something that you work for, strive for, have 1,000 OBE's, read Tarot cards, hang crystals, hold hands and sway in unison to achieve. It's much simpler than that. It's recognizing that you Are. You are God, you are the Source, you are the Everything, you are the I AM. Well, you and everything else. There is nothing that is not the Source. And, the only reason we are here is for the experience. We're not here for love, we're not here to live 1,000 human lives, we're not here for the hamburgers. We're here for the experience...period. That's it. That's all there is. Everything else is just icing on the cake.

So, if we are here only for the experience, that would mean that there is no right or wrong way to do anything. ANYTHING. There is no belief system that is right, and there is no belief system that is wrong. There is no act that is right, and there is no act that is wrong. And, love? Love is not the purpose. It is not what we are supposedly striving for. It is the outcome. It is what flows when you realize that you are already enlightened. Because there is nothing to judge, there is only You experiencing Yourself in all your many facets. Your creations. You love the creations, great and small, because they are You.

That's it. That's enligtenment. And, beyond? Well, there's anything you want. Have 1,000 OBE's, read your Tarot cards, polish up your crystals. Have fun, cry, argue with your neighbor, blissfully walk through a forest. But, don't mistake those for enlightenment. They are the experiences you've created, now that you are enlightened.