I'm currently on Day 9. I didn't expect much to happen by now, but I have had a few encouraging signs.

Concentrating on the breath work is probably the most difficult for me. My mind is wont to wander, I can try to read or watch something, and though my eyes are going through the motions, my thoughts are elsewhere. So, thinking of nothing but breathing is a challenge for me. On day 8, I added the counting of breaths, which has helped. It gives me more for my brain to do, and it calls for more attention. My mind still wanders, but less so.

The energy stimulation is going well, I think. The sensations I feel are more or less in line with the descriptions I've read (tingling, bubbling, prickling). I started the hands yesterday, and they got very warm, to my surprise.

I manage to memorize the morning affirmations after a couple days, which hopefully is working it's way into my subconscious.

The most interesting signs I see are with the dream journal. My ability to recall dreams has already improved quite a bit. My number doubled within the first two days of study. Once I realize I am awake, I try to think if I can recall a dream or not... at first I usually think not, but then it will often blossom into my mind. Sometimes I can't read my blurry eyed scrawl, and one time it was near impossible to write because my arm fell asleep! But, twice in my dreams already, I have actually had my dream keyword notepad in my hands! Both times, someone I met asked me what it was. Though I have sometimes felt that things were odd in dreams, I have never consciously knew I was dreaming before. But, now, I feel like I am at the cusp of breaking through and being aware I am in a dream.

This is more than I expected at this phase!