Quote Originally Posted by Seeuzin
Hello again,
The energy in my hands and arms feels much, much different from the energy in my feet and legs. The energy in my feet feels more....thick, and more heavy and viscous, than the energy in my hands. It also feels more intense in a way. I seem to remember reading somewhere (almost certain it was a NEW tutorial) that the feet handle more earthy energies, and the hands handle more atmospheric/airy energies, and thought this might be an explanation for this; what do yall think?
Hermetically the energy of the limbs is ;
right leg ~ heavy dark damp warm male "electric " red EARTH
left leg ~ light bright damp cool female "magnetic" green AIR
right arm ~ light bright dry hot male "electric" orange FIRE
left arm ~ heavy dark wet cold female "magnetic" blue WATER

The energies coming from the earth up are initiatlly heavy and grounding into the feet .The energies coming from the crown down are light and bright air as you percieve . So well done . Eventually , you will be able to manifest any elemental energy at will and you will be able to project any form at will too . Then you can bring light up from the earth and water down from the crown .