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Thread: angels and demons working together

  1. #1

    angels and demons working together

    Had an interesting dream last night. Good and evil, represented by angels and demons, decided that they were not actually all that different. They decided that being all one big family was a better way to go than fighting each other. I was skeptical, I thought the sudden cooperation was more motivated by a fading number of people believing in them. Going forward, every demon and angel would service all types of requests including prayers, curses, temptation, forgiving, etc. Understandably some of them were a little uneasy with the unfamiliarity of these new tasks.
    Sin nada (Nothing is impossible)

  2. #2
    deepemotion Guest

    I must say that when I first read this, I thought that your dream mind has a interesting sense of humor. I can actually see the very interesting movie script this concept can make for a holywood blockbuster. Just imagine fo a demon has to answer a prayer, what kind of response could be expected.

    But back to the dream, some faith systems have as basis that no heaven nor hell exist, which will make the entire concept of demons running amock completely obsolete.

    It is also said that christianity created the devil, since in order for God to exist, the devil must exist too. No devil - No God. or if you like No God - No Devil.

    If they do start to co-operate, I fail to see the reason for their existence, then they should all be ruled obsolete. And life will be ever lasting bliss - which we all know is completely Not So.

    Fascinating concept though....


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by deepemotion

    I must say that when I first read this, I thought that your dream mind has a interesting sense of humor. I can actually see the very interesting movie script this concept can make for a holywood blockbuster. Just imagine fo a demon has to answer a prayer, what kind of response could be expected.
    Prayer is talking- so evoking a Demon could qualify as praying to them.

    But back to the dream, some faith systems have as basis that no heaven nor hell exist, which will make the entire concept of demons running amock completely obsolete.
    Not necessarily. The word demon comes from the greek 'daimon', which simply means 'spirit'. In their belief system everyone had a daimon, or soul. The word changed with the prechristian greek system being assigned 'lesser god' status, and then assigned evil.
    It is also said that christianity created the devil, since in order for God to exist, the devil must exist too. No devil - No God. or if you like No God - No Devil.
    Actually, christianity assigned one being the combination of two different prechristian deities/entities. In old testament times Lucifer was supposed to be the light-bringing angel that 'fell from grace' for a variety of reasons, depending which you read. This angel became the host of the demons when they were given birth by Lilith, who was Adam's first wife. In the old testament also, there was Satan, who was originally Saturn, who was assigned to tempt man for God, to see if man could handle it. He was working for God, not against God. In christian times, when Jesus was considered God-as-Man, the belief of the time was dual, so if there was a God-as-man he had to have an enemy. So man's adversary (prosecutor) became Jesus' adversary, combined with Lucifer, and granted demigod status, to be powerful enough to be considered Jesus' adversary. And since Jesus came to be considered God, the devil came to be considered powerful, unearthly evil. So you see that demons don't necessarily have to do with the devil, except that now they represent the negative-spiritual forces.
    If they do start to co-operate, I fail to see the reason for their existence, then they should all be ruled obsolete. And life will be ever lasting bliss - which we all know is completely Not So.
    Not necessarily. According to some hermetic/alchemy theory, we have guardian angels and guardian demons, and it is our job to transmute the guardian demon within into a guardian angel. This sounds a lot like knowing our 'shadow selves' and integrating them by 'shining the light' on them. Some kabbalists believe that that's why we're here. So if the dream is prophetic, the news is good.
    Fascinating concept though....

    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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