I have lots of dreams about an astroid about to hit earth. It's all over the news and everyone knows about it, a date and time is given for when it is supose to impact. Everyone is quiet and in their own thoughts for a few days anticipating their death. We all know that this astroid will wipe out the entire planet and there will be no survivors. Some people choose to still go to work. I spend my entire time with my children inside our house. Sometimes in these dreams the countdown will begin and I will go outside and see this huge shadow cover the sun, then it hits and I wake up. My most recent dream of this was that they announced on the news the exact date and time of the collision, I think december 12 2010 at 9 am. And so I was standing outside waiting for it to hit, my heart pounding and all my final thoughts going through my head, and then I hear the news on the tv say " we estimated the date of the impact incorrectly, it's actualy TOMORROW at 9 am." I was relieved but kind of mad! I had to build up all that fear again!

I have had a few dreams about dying, one I talked about already that happened when I was pregnant and I was executed by lethal injection. I think the most recent one I had was a few weeks ago, nothing led up to my death it seemed to happen right after I fell asleep. Everything went black and quiet, I felt very calm and aware of what this was. Then I saw a speck of light that grew larger, the larger it grew the more shallow my breath became. When it got so big I was engulfed in it I wasn't breathing anymore. I didn't feel like I had a body this whole time, I just felt like an awareness or a point of consciouseness. But this happened pretty fast, like maybe 10 seconds. Then I woke up because it wasn't real....as far as I can tell right now .