Hi, I'm new to the forum, greetings to all.

Last night I found Robert Bruce's website, and I watched the video clips on the introduction to the New Energy system. I viewed all the clips and read most everything from the website.

I was eager to start, so I did...and very soon after I started moving energy around in and through my body, I started getting a sharp pain in my throat. Although I felt it throughout my throat from top to bottom, it is mostly centered in the lower throat below my adams apple in the soft groove area. I tried to work on this area more after it happened, but the pain was still persistant today. (The pain is a very sharp shooting pain in my lower throat)

I'm not afraid of the pain, and I am not worried about my health. Robert does explain about this type of thing on his website, it could be an attachment area. And I have not got the book yet, which I know I need.

But in the mean time, many of you are way more experienced than I, do you have any comments you could give me to help me through this period?