I've been doing energy work pretty regularly for several months now, and have recently noticed a new habit I've started to develop. I'm basically looking for some opinions as to whether this is a habit I need to break or not, and of course any other related info is welcome.

During energy work, I've developed the tendency to press my tongue against either the roof of my mouth or against different teeth, depending on which part of my body I'm working on. The more effort I'm putting into moving my awareness, the harder I seem to press, especially when working through blockages.

I've noticed two effects this has on my energy work.

1 - When I consciously stop myself from doing this, I seem to have weaker "contact" with my energy body. Hard to explain, but it just feels less "tangible", and the force behind my awareness movements seem weaker. I thought I may just be tensing my other muscles at the same time, and was feeling increased sensation due to the resistance the tension was creating, but I don;t think that's the case.

2 - My awareness often splits between the area I'm working on, and some area in my mouth. When I move my awareness, I can feel it in both places. It's like the two areas are the same.

I recall Robert saying that awareness movement should be a purely mental action, which is why I've been trying to break myself of this habit. There are certain cases though, where I find it actually helps my work, as I mentioned in 1 above.

It also seems that many energy pathways end or pass through the mouth (and possibly a separate pathway through each tooth?). Is it possible that by changing the placement of the tongue you can direct more energy to various parts of the body through these pathways?

Is my awareness simply "locking" into my mouth as Robert says can happen with the Groin? I have recently worked through some blockages in my jaw and teeth, so that's a possibility I guess.

So I'm currently trying to re-train myself to rid myself of this habit, but have no better method than more practice. Anybody know any tricks that may help. Any opinions as to whether this is a problem in the first place, or perhaps more importantly, will this impede my progress in the future?
