A few nights ago during meditations, I unexpectedly got imagery of a piece of silver being tucked into my root chakra. I don't know what that was all about, but my energy immediately went wild in the first 3 chakras, and it was the strongest sensation I have ever experienced. Considering that I've often felt like I was literally on fire during some meditations, this is saying a lot. This happened again 2 days later, but this time something moved in my root chakra.

I'm the kind of person that generally writes these things off as imagination (a bad habit I'm trying to break). But I cannot write this off as imagination or even as a normal twitch. It was far too strong. Therefore, it's troubling because the only thing I can associate this with is a kundalini raising. I'm not sure if I'm in a position to have a life-altering kundalini experience right now. My energy is tensed and in the late afternoons and evenings, I have to be very careful not to focus too much on certain chakras because they'll just go nuts and make it hard to function normally.

So given that, is there anything else that can cause that kind of movement? Can normal kundalini spikes do that? I have only ever heard of people like Robert talking about the "snake" that pushes up through the root chakra during a kundalini raising, and knocks internal organs out of its way.