My latest problem is crazy amounts of click outs.

Now that I am quite familiar with the Intro to Focus 10 exercise, I've become so trained that I always start to fall asleep at the 10 part relaxation sequence. Always. This is a great starting point, to always know where I'm going to start falling asleep.

The problem with this is that when I attempt to stay mentally awake through this, I have started clicking out like crazy. This isn't even, I fall asleep and remember having falling asleep. It goes something like this:

1. He talks about step one, relaxing the jaw.

I wait and listen, concentrating hard on staying awake... waiting for step 2.

6. The next thing he says is step 6, NOT step 2!

I've just lost steps 2-5, with no memory of losing them, and no memory of there being any break in consciousness. With a sigh, I'd back it up to Step 1 again, rather than starting it over. And I don't even need the lead-in! Thirty seconds later, I've clicked out again and he's talking about bringing you back to full conscious awareness, so I've gone and lost another 20 minutes with no recollection. This is a new kind of challenge... I used to worry about falling asleep. Now I'm not falling asleep so much as totally losing track altogether.
