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Thread: Crowd energy

  1. #1
    Puck Guest

    Crowd energy

    Hi guys,

    My name's Puck and i'm new to the forums here, but not to the NEW energy system.

    First of all, i checked the backlogs and the information there is pretty awesome and has answered and alot of questions for me that i would have prolly asked and then been directed to the backposts

    I just had a quick question concerning crowd energy:

    I'm a bit introverted, so the closest i come to crowd energy is the beach, and only then when it's not so populated.

    One cool thing i learned recently is that the subnavel storage center aka the spleen chakra, is the center in which we take in "vitality globules", which are sort of like psychic vitamins.

    According to the research, they are created when sunlight hits the earth and they are key in health and vitality.

    This made me realize something: people who are in warm climates where it rarely rains, like california, tend to look younger and develop faster.

    I think these vitality globules have something to do with it.

    This made me realize that summer time is the best time to take advantage of this phenomenon, as the days are longer, which means more globules are being constantly generated,which are then taken into the spleen and then distributed throughout the body.

    heres the website for the book:

    Moderators Note: Link removed. Members are not allowed to post links to commercial sites until they have demonstrated a level of commitment to AD forums. This is 10 posts for useful information & 20 posts for commercial sites. Sorry but the rules are set to try to combat spam.

    The man who wrote it was psychic and had the ability to see the flows of energy in the human body. He mentions that it is possible to see the vitality globules without any psychic ability, something i'm looking forward to this summer

    I occasionally go to clubs, but i have to be coerced

    Does any here have any experience in drawing energy in this type of enviromnent or other such places where alot of people are?

    Do you have to be in thick of things, or can you just be in the corner somewhere, relaxing and having a drink.?

    Another cool book i'd like to make you aware of is "energy medicine" by Donna eden. This woman was born with the ability to see the energies of the human body, down to the meridians and more. The book is about 18 bucks, but it is a MUST and i have found that it has increased my ability to work with energy 1000 times, specifically the meridians and the second chakra. It is also a good book to have if you wanna increase your body's ability to heal itself.

    I look forward to sharing and growing,


    The Puck

  2. #2
    faerylight Guest
    This made me realize something: people who are in warm climates where it rarely rains, like california, tend to look younger and develop faster
    Hmm... I'm from California and I noticed that people, when exposed to too much sun, look older. Maybe not nowadays though with all the sunscreen and spray-on tans, lol. I did see a documentary about the differences in Southerly folks vs. Northerly folks. They compared two people of the same age, the one from the North looked decades younger than the one from the South. The one from the South was a Native American woman and I forgot who they used from the North, someone from like Sweden or some such place.

    Sunshine is great stuff though. Wish we had more of here where I'm at - Seattle. Not having so much of it here, you become really sensative to it's affects when it is sunny here - it's so refreshing and the energy feels so good. When I eat Oranges, or any other food stuffs that are exposed to a lot of Sunlight while growing, it feels like I'm ingesting that Sunlight. Beets, on the other hand, feel like Earth energy to me.

    Not sure about consciously drawing in energy from a crowd. You might get stuff you don't want, unless you are able to filter out the 'dirty' energy from the clean energy (reminds me of a kind of vampirism - not saying you are a vampire, lol, just reminds me of that for some reason). Personally, I don't it. I'm pretty introverted myself and find it difficult to be in crowded places because I am not that good at blocking out energy I don't want.

    I like Donna Eden's book, it's very interesting!

  3. #3
    Zak Guest
    If you want to get more people talking aboutcertain books try posting book related stuff in the book and movie review forum...

    I think too much or too little sun is bad for you. I also believe that the content of your being affects what the sun does to you aswell. There are Indian mystics who csn absorbe the suns energies and not need food. They can also look at the sun without damaging their eyes. Most westerners can't o that and most weterners get skin cancer from too much sun. Remember all disease is related to energetics. So if you are in disharmony on even a tiny level of your being it will eventually be brought to your attention sometime down the road by something. For some people this is the sun.

    Looking old can be related to the sun but not enough sun and you become pasty white and don't produce enough of a vitamin (foget which one, D maybe?)

    Crowd energy: Be specific with your intent so as to not start doing vampyrism. If you intend to absorb and take in the EXCESS ENERGY GENERATED BY THE CROWD you'll be fine as opposed to absorbing THE ENERGY OF THE CROWD! :p Sme goes with any object. You can take enrgy form and object, plant or space.

    I find doing too much energy raising in one room can cause the room to feel depleted unless it is arranged in a way to bring in more energy from outside or the universe! (Feng Shui or Vastu [indian feng shui] helps arrange a room properly to prevent stagnation)

  4. #4
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    Hey, Zachary.

    It was vitamin D. It is mostly produced by exposing the bare upper arms to sunlights. Who would have thought that those ugly-looking muscle shirts are healthy?

    Oh, and Taoists know of a similar phenomenon to those Yogis living off the energy of the sun. They call those people Air-Eaters. Air is full of cosmic energy, and a vital source of post-natal chi according to Taoist Qigong theory. Same goes for food of course, gives the earth element.

    And another BTW to add :

    I have read at least one Qigong teacher warning of using the Sun's energy. Not because it wasn't useful, it is useful to the utmost degree. He deemed it too powerful to safely assimilate for a normal practitioner, leading to burn-out. Of course this would not be true for a very advanced practitioner, who has built his energy system to be of great capacity and conductance - like those accomplished Yogis.


  5. #5
    I was in a crowd of over 100,000 people - twice. It is VERY difficult not to get caught up in the persona of the crowd, but if you can manage it, if you can stay an individual, the energy is enormous. Don't stay too long though; it can change from a positive to a negative force in an instant.

    While skin colour is a source of trouble across the planet, it is really just a function of 2 things - vitamin D & UV (ultra-violet) Where your predecessors are from determines what your skin colour is.

    Lack of vit D brings some rather nasty things like rickets & can cause death, so the skin needs to get as much as it can. To do this, the skin needs to be clear, leading to the northern races having 'white' skin.

    Too much UV brings some rather nasty things, like melanomas & other cancerous growths, so the skin needs to block as much as it can. To do this, the skin produces melanin, which gives the races from near the equator 'black' skin.

    Around the equator there is no problem with enough vit D so the skin goes very dark to protect against the UV sleeting in straight down. In the extreme southern & northern regions, the sunlight is filtered by thickness of atmosphere & there is less fear of UV damage but also less vit D production so the skin goes clear to allow the maximum vit D.

    It is a growing problem in our world where travel is so prevalent - dark-skinned people are moving to higher latitudes & the dark skin means they are unable to get enough vit D. Light-skinned people are moving into lower latitudes & suffering all kinds of skin & cancer problems.

    One of the truisms against rascism is, if you start at the equator & walk north, there is no single point where you can point south & say 'they are black' & point north & say 'they are white.'

    However, there is mystery here... Some racial types have moved out of their 'comfort zone' into areas hostile to their skin type, yet they still breed true to their roots. You might argue that they haven't been in those places long enough, but UV & lack of Vitamin D are extreme stressors & so far, they don't seem to be affecting things. And given the amount of moving around the races did over the past 100,000 years, if they could change from negro types to eskimo types, either there is something wrong with the model or there is some other factor in adaptation.

    Sorry to ramble on... just it's an interesting subject.
    Never doubt there is Truth, just doubt that you have it!

  6. #6
    Puck Guest
    Hey guys,

    Thanks for your replies

    I agree that too much exposure to direct sunlight is disastrous to both skin and health.

    Yeah, I found a cool book on hatha yoga while searching the web. It talks about how we absorb the vitality of the sun through our breathing (vitality globules?)

    If you look at huna, they have breathing cycles in which you retain the breath, the object being to incease the amount of vitality absorbed, vitality that is in the air, but not the air itself.

    They also talk about there being different ypes of MANA, this being mana from the sun, the air and physical activity.

    I totally feel you on the orange thing!!! Thanks to NEW, i can taste the difference between a "live" food, somehting that has vitality in it, and one that's vitality just drained away. When i bite in a "living" orange or tangerine, i can feel it in my cheeks vibrating and bringing my face to life.

    For some reason, i get the same thing from cheese. I don't know why, and fruit and cheese are the only things that i feel this phenomenon with. I can feel it happening when i eat yogurt too, for some reason. It's awesome and it's helped me to make better food choices, choosing food that will make me stronger.

    Sorry bout the book posting. I had no intent to spam, just merely to point the direction to resources that would be helpful with NEW. The website i gave was FREE book. Again, i apologize.

    I understand that there's a possibility for vampirism, but i that would be possibility when dealing with a small crowd of 4 to 5 people or just ine person., but in a huge crowd, where energy is constantly being generated, i wouldn't necessarily called it Vamping.

    In my research, i've found something very interesting:

    When a person absorbs as much vitality as his individual makeup will allow, the excess energy is directed outward from the body in the form of a rose coloured aura, and this excess energy can be used to heal people when focused. Otherwise, it just radiates outward and has a positive effect on everyone in a certain radius..

    Now, taking this concept further, Donna eden talks about how the second chakra is like a womb and certain people have second chakras which act as a force field, which can heal people who are inside of it.

    To me, this correlates to the rose coloured aura that leadbeater talks about.

    Where am i going with this?

    People who actively practice NEW not only helo themselves, but have a healing second chakra.

    Just my theory.

    I have another theory: people ho are drawn to large crowds aren't necesarily vamping, but instinctively there bodies know that they need vitality, so they hit the club and stay up till the wee hours of the morrning.

    I seem to give the stuff off, as complete strangers will sit down next to me, when i happen to be practicing by the way, and dump their problems on me. They always tell me that they feel better after they dump and i listen.

    It seems to help in club situations

    I feel no different, but they feel better.

    Yeah Oliver, i agree with you on the solar prana being too potent when exposed to it for too long. There are practices however in which absorbing solar prana is highly advocated. The chi that the sun radiates in yang chi, but i'm inclined to think that maybe what they are really doing is absorbing the vitality globules.

    What i feel when i absorb lots of energy is a great expansion of my aura. The aura aroud my head gets huge and if a plane flies over head, i can actually feel it passing through my field.

    I've noticed osmething else with NEW: if you absorb energy in a cross legged position, the energy has a tendency to flow upwards, up and out the crown. The reason being, i feel, because when you cross the legs, you close off the chakrs on the soles of the feet, so nothing comes in or out, except through the root chakra at the spine.

    If you practice NEW while standing or sitting upright, thne you have access to the earth energy, which is a denser frequency, and also the lighter chi/energy coming in through the palms.

    The difference in the postions, i feel are this:

    Cross legged is used to have the chi used for enlightenment or kundalini awakening. The chi has no option but to flow upwards along hespine and to the crown.

    Standing allows the chi to be circulated.

    This is just based on what i've noticed and experienced.

    Again, i'm really excited to be here, because i feel that there' so much to learn and share!!!

    How awesome would it be for RB to do a revision of NEW, with a chapter on the vitality globules!?!?!?

    The Puck

  7. #7
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    I can only second many of the things you say from a Taoist background. Unfortunately most of my knowledge is not so well based on direct experience, so take it with a grain of salt.

    If you have too many Qi, it can expand outward into the Wei Qi, which surrounds your body, wards off influences and is your first layer of defense against disease. I don't know about its healing properties on others.

    Yes, sitting cross-legged closes off the leg circuit and helps concentrate onto the Small Circulation, for example, and avoids diverting energy into the legs.

    Upward energy surge along the spine can trigger the spiritual, while a downward flow can strengthen the healing, calming within the mind and body. Downward can help build capacity for upward if you do not have the necessary capacity just yet.

    Doing standing meditation can help balancing the influx of heavenly and earthly energy right in the lower dantian, to obtain balance and nourishment. Standing has a profound strengthening effect and was regarded a closely guarded secret among martial artists.

    BTW there's nothing wrong with mentioning books. It's just nice to mention interesting stuff in the right subforum as well, so people looking for books will know about books.

  8. #8
    Puck Guest
    There's something i've noticed about the energy we absorb using NEW:

    When you're in a good mood, the energy naturally bursts out from you in all directions.

    When it happens to me, i can feel it bursting from every pore.

    This caused me to realize something:

    Just sitting there soaking in energy is okay, but it feels good to release that excess.

    I think this maybe part of "sex appeal".

    I've noticed times where upon entering a place or store, with my attention on my sub navel storage center, i get many more people approaching me in a very good mood, whereas if i'm not focused down there, i get totally ignored.

    My attention is brought to something else:

    When i walk, i usually have my attention of my SNSC and as i walk, i can feel it ciirculating throughout my body. I can feel it rushing into my fingers. I've been able to zap people with it on occasion. I think is due to build in the aura around my fingers. I've also shorted out light switches on command by focusing my energy on my fingertips.

    Just looking back on that remind me of my short experience with empty force.

    I learned the process from a book, and i actually went through the process for 5 months before i quit. I don't know if the effects are permanent or not, but i do have a hard time around electronics when i get angry or really nervous.

    Last post for the night, PROMISE!!!

    The Puck

  9. #9
    Zak Guest
    It might be in his new book that's come out in June!

    I wasn't telling you off about mentioning that book. I was just saying you'd get more responses about it there.

    Even with a smal number of people you wouldn't be vampyrising them as long as you INTENDED to only take the EXCESS energy that was around tem and being created by them. Same with the crowd. In energy work intention is a key.

    With NEW in a croslegged position, I have to admit I haven't done it but I am orking towards lotus position and will definetly try it then and see if the feet are "shut off" You could also keep the energy circulating inside you with intnent as well ass tongue to roof of the mouth and a root lock (or bandha in yoga). This would create the microcosmic orbit and it is very powerful and would work great wi th NEW.

    You talk about the second chakra being a healing chakra. I find that very interesting because the second chakra can sometimes be traded for the lower dantien but some people will say they are different. I feel they are the same though. Qi-kung healers heal from this point where as other healers heal from the heart. It's interesting since they're both effective and I wonder if you can actually heal from any chakra...

  10. #10
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    BTW, I think crowd energy is mostly generated by - well - crowds.

    A beach full of people is not a crowd, because they do not focus on a thing together. A beach full of people is - well - a beach full of people.

    If you want to get some positive energy through a crowd, you need actually participate in the crowd and share its intent - like in a prayer meeting, a meditation group, a music concert. To feel the enlivening effect this has on people you usually don't even need special abilities - most people can feel "it" is there when they align to a crowd.

    If you feel this amplified effect it is no leeching or something, and you can benefit as everyone else. Just take a look at what's important to you and join in. Having a good attitude will bring your positive energy in and help shape a great crowd energy.


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