Hello everyone .
I've been practicing NEW off and on for the past year and a half, give or take. I now feel pretty comfortable with manipulating my energybody. At times I feel it's difficult to manipulate my energybody, and that something is blocking my awareness due to whatever random reason, but generally I can move energy through my body, instantly "feel" energy at whatever place I want to, and feel the awareness actions when I want. I have by no means mastered it. I don't have ultimate control. But I have much more control than when I first started.

Just a few days ago I started the chakra stimulation. It worked just fine. I could very clearly distinguish the feelings of my chakras. I have made a few attempts with the ROPE technique, which I must say, is very effective at causing the vibrations associated with projection within me. Unfortunately, I can't help but to visualize my hands actually pulling a rope.

Now for my questions, sorry if they are too many: How do I really concentrate? What exactly is the "feel" of concentration? How do I develop it? How often should I practice a day? Do I need to have a limited amount of distractions around me to practice, or can I practice whenever, like NEW? How might I stop the actual visualization of my hands pulling a rope, and just "feel" the pulling of a rope?

Thanks in advance to everyone who imparts their knowledge on these matters, and I hope that your replies aid others with the same questions that I have.