Hello, all.

Today I felt playful and tried several variations of energy work. Here is what I experienced:

I have a longstanding block in my right shoulder, which becomes focus of my energy work again and again, and has been treated medically as well. The therapeutic movements have restored functionality, but not the same absolute health level as in the rest of the body. The whole area in all directions surrounding the shoulder joint and energy port / channel is very densely blocked.

So I started out with my standard method, "ice to water, water to gas", which is pretty similar to "Etheric Wrap" from NEW, but without visualisation. It includes releasing the energy to the edges of the aura at the end. The goings were comparatively slow, but constant progress was made. Working away a layer exposed another. Dissolving a block created a free space, but chunks were small. Excitement was minimal and could quickly be calmed by releasing out- and downward.

Next I tried out of curiosity the Small Circulation of energy up the back and down the front. I hadn't tried in half a year, and had done a lot of major energy vessel cleaning since then. Closing the first circulation at the perineum/pelvis bottom I had an audio illusion sounding like the sharp electric pang of closing a heavy duty electric circuit. It was more real than a memory and less real than "real". After three circulations I stopped, since my spine has gotten very warm and was starting to get hot. Energy had overflowed from the back and front vessels into the major meridians and could at some places be felt in very fine ternary channels (Luo in Chinese). (This is the nature of Small Circulation as it overflows from big to small and if the energy is strong enough "flushes" blockages). On the shoulder blockage it had left little impact. I felt energised and hot, and had to apply some practise to cool me down and contain excessive energy in the Lower Tantien or "vent" it.

The third was the NEW Brush/Bounce action. Again I applied it to the blockages in my shoulder. When I found a knot denoting a blockage I brushed several times through it, sometimes with sligth variation of angle, until I felt the area to be "conductable" again. I felt like reopening one conduit after another, was brushing and bouncing along my shoulder and arm, sometimes more locally with more short strokes, and then with longer ones along the limb and its channels. Progress seemed pretty good. Blockages seemed to be going early and fast with few strokes. I progressed some time until I felt a rather strange sensation - I felt like my energy system had filled up with small "chunks". I felt exhausted. I continued with other techniques to clean up the chunks, and expel them. I still felt somewhat exhausted, and the tissue I had worked with felt achy - though now I felt something there.

My summary is that with the first technique progress seemed slow but not agitate me. It is sometimes at odds with my impatience. Circulating can have a strong energising and cleaning effect, but this can leave you hot and what is cleared is rather "random". Circulating in reverse is said to cool, but I did not try. NEW helped reanimate rather severely blocked areas, and can take out a block very quickly, but if the blocks are strong this can - for me - quickly lead to exhaustion. I do not know one would have cleaned up the chunky energy fragments that resulted within the NEW system, perhaps with the full body bounce or by trying to pull them into the sub-navel storage? I'm not sure.

The latter two techniques I do not do regularly to be fair.

What are your experiences when you compare energy systems? Have you tried different stuff?
