Recent discoveries.

Destiny is a handful of forces one has a tendency to be influenced by.

It has basically two (equally valuable) sides: the bottom side and the top side. The bottom side is how we manifest and shape ourselves. This is what most people are mostly engaged with - without the consciousness of really doing that, without the consciousness of having power to do that. The top side is how we can percieve and create ourselves.

The bottom side is required for forming, in general, and the top side is required for consciousness of power available (potentially infinite).

The top side - higher consciousness - increase our ability to see the power available to us, thus we become aware how shaping our destiny is inherent within us from the very beginning. It's a matter to realize it. Then come the power of creation / transmutation / stating about the self.

Destiny (i.e. life) is a matter of choices. Choices are a matter of consciousness (top side). The result is a matter of consciousness of personal resources power (bottom side).

The key is to realize and open and thus free this possibility to influence literally everything in one's life.