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Thread: George Costanza is God

  1. #1
    hasalameth Guest

    George Costanza is God

    (that topic is not meant in any way to offend mono-theists who believe in the biblical God, it's only an apt name for one of my coolest dreams ever)

    Sometimes I experiment with affirmations and will just for the fun of it. This night was one of those nights, I said to myself and to all those others listening: "Tonight I will meet You, God, we will have a chat and I will see your face", I prayed for a long time and then fell asleep.

    *dream starts*

    I'm somewhere in a park in an unknown land, trying do ride a kickbike down a very steep concrete road, the concrete is new and still warm. It's a very warm summer's day. This part is just like any normal dream, stuff happen, people come and go and I just go with the flow. Then my kickbicke speeds up and without control I fly down the hill in the park and smash into a car parked on the road by the park. I stand up and brush of the dust and see the metal parts scattered around me. This is where the dream sort of turns into the feel of an "important dream". I divide my dreams into different kinds, the Important Dreams being of a very symbolic and mystic nature often involving different animals communicating with me.

    As I stand up from the crash, I see my ex girlfriend and her best friend chatting and laughing while walking by the corner, I follow them but they have disappeared when I turn around the corner.

    In the dream I've just moved somewhere, it felt like the USA actually, I rearely dream of the states, anyway, on my way to my new home, just a small appartement, the actor Jason Alexander (George Costanza from Seinfeld) walks out the door and walks by me, walking down the road. By now the dream has become a very warm dream, the light is very hot and comes from everywhere, I feel very healed and sort of in my mother's arms (my dreams are rarely set in daylight). I realize omg it's george! and I run down the street, and tap his shoulder. He turns around, with a smile on his face as if he knew that I would follow him. I say "Cool, I had no idea you were my neighbor, how are things?", "It's good, and it's always nice to meet a fan, people don't really give me much attention these days". He was shorter than me but still had a very powerful feel to him, like he was standing there with his hands in his pockets, not afraid of anything, and looking very wise and always smiling calmly. "See you around." he said and went down the road, I stood there, happier than ever.

    After that I went to my appartement and my room where there were two blondes lying down on my bed. I asked mom - "who are this women?" she said: "they are your sisters". And I was like "ok. cool." so I sat down in the bed with them, hugging them and I felt a very warm sibling connection with them, they were a bit older than me. I started talking rapidly about anything and everything that had happened during my life, mostly my love life, they laughed with me and smiled and caressed me. I became a little boy and I was so happy to reuinte with my twin sisters again, I started pulling out different board games and books from a bookshelf, asking them to play with me, we did and we laughed. I believed I kissed one of them later on and ceressing her thy, thinking "they aren't my biological sisters, so some sex with them wouldn't hurt" although nothing really happened.

    *** WHOA! I just had a very very very strong Déja vu! It was when I paused after writing "they aren't my biological sisters, so... enters déja vu. funny, that. ***

    ***dream shifts to a normal, non-symbolic dream***

    I woke up that morning feeling more refreshed and happier than ever, I could almost still feel the warmth of the dream-sun on my skin, I think I was constantly smiling that day.

    It wasn't until I sat down to write the dream down in my dream journal, when I realized I had strongly asked for a meeting with God the night prior to this strange and blissfull dream. I was schocked.

    How about that?

    It should be noted I don't really believe in a christian God, at least not in the way most christians describe him.


  2. #2
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  3. #3
    hasalameth Guest
    I know!

  4. #4
    Lilac Guest

    Re: George Costanza is God

    Quote Originally Posted by hasalameth
    After that I went to my appartement and my room where there were two blondes lying down on my bed. I asked mom - "who are this women?" she said: "they are your sisters". And I was like "ok. cool." so I sat down in the bed with them, hugging them and I felt a very warm sibling connection with them, they were a bit older than me. I started talking rapidly about anything and everything that had happened during my life, mostly my love life, they laughed with me and smiled and caressed me. I became a little boy and I was so happy to reuinte with my twin sisters again, I started pulling out different board games and books from a bookshelf, asking them to play with me, we did and we laughed. I believed I kissed one of them later on and ceressing her thy, thinking "they aren't my biological sisters, so some sex with them wouldn't hurt" although nothing really happened.
    Freaky coincidence. Recently, perhaps even yesterday, I had a very weird dream... I "woke up" in my bed between two women, under the blanket and everything. I felt really warm and safe, like a little child, maybe even like a baby. It wasn't sexual at all, though. I'm female and straight. That was so weird, I have no idea what it was all about.

  5. #5
    hasalameth Guest
    Wow, how cool! What did they look like? Mine were natural blondes, not good looking not bad looking, not too thin, not too fat, but still pretty tall and fleshy women. Maybe one of them was a brunette, I don't remember this dream that clearly *checking the journal* damn this was before I started the digital journal, so it's on a paper somwhere secret, somwhere safe, somewhere too far for my lazy ass to go at the moment.

    anyway, they felt like my two older sisters, and I was like a child, I was around seven years old and they were about 20, but I still was "myself", telling them all about my problems and experiences and relationships with my ex:s and stuff.

    Could you try to recall more of the dream?

    And my dream wasn't very sexual at all, it was only that brief moment when I kissed one swiftly, and sorta caressed her leg, but I knew nothing was going to happen since I realized it was a dream and woke up.

  6. #6
    Lilac Guest
    I'm not sure what they looked like, it was night time in my dream. I assume that they were brunettes. They were taller than me, but considering the size of my bed it means that they were about my height and I was shorter than usual (and that didn't enven occur to me in the dream). It's kinda hard to guess, but judging by my height I think I was about 10 years tall. I don't know who they were, I didn't even ask. After a while you just kinda stop questioning things, ya know. lol Just before that I was dreaming of an appartment building inhabited by giant meerkats and a few humans... So nothing would surprise me after that. Anyways, I was lying there for a while, than sat up and began looking at colorful energy current thingies around the bed. I might have exchanged a few words with the women, but I don't remember what we talked about. The dream ended with me being fascinated by a pretty green energy current thingie on one of the corners of my bed. It wasn't a very vivid dream, and it was kinda overshadowed by much stranger things that I dreamt of that night.

  7. #7
    bad buddhist Guest
    George Costanza: his baldness, short stature, pretensions, and neuroses.....I certainly call Him one of MY heroes !

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