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Thread: Elemental Energy Work

  1. #21

    Re: Elemental Energy Work

    Earth, Air, Water and Fire, the combination of all creates Storm. Is that perhaps the ELEMENT of chaos? Storm has abilities to destroy or at least shake things up, but there is always great healing in the aftermath. It represents a kind of purging of old ideas to make way for new ones. Storm = change and strengthening.

    To me everytime one walks outside, there is a storm brewing, the clamor of elements vying for the attention of our human spirit. I find this energy that flows from earth, sea, winds ignites the FIRE energy ("fire medicine") within us, stirring up the Storm of powerful creating, healing and manifesting and magical energies that flow through the whole living world directly from Creator and Source.

    What I would like to know is how this Elemental Energy affects the Energetic Body? Can we store this energy so it is useful for other things like Energy Work? Is it all connected? I receive very intense surges of Elemental Energy, have used it for self-healing, manifestations and obtaining deeper knowledge from stones, trees and animals, but the actual inner energy workings (theory, terminology and application) of the human body are new to me, more to learn.

    Today I showed my husband my ritual of tuning in to the flow of energy from the ground to the sky, and he was shocked when he felt it too, and described the awakening like chakra energy through the bottom of his feet up to his knees ... it was a little too much for him. He is comfortable with the theory of these things, but shies away from the actual experience. I am surprised that these things are "new" to him, because I have lived with a level of awareness and exchange of energies with the natural world my whole life, but I am PLEASED to see him opening to the magic of our human existence, and potential we have for energetically responding, to our world, as higher beings having an earthly experience.

    After a week of performing these New Energy exercises on my body, it seemed like my body was higher tuned to Elemental Energy, that it felt less "wild" and more self-contained and directed, yet sweetly connected. There is this deep calmness entering my life, perhaps it is a deeper connection with the Higher Self as well as the energy in all Creation.
    Last edited by imogen; 18th December 2011 at 03:12 PM.

  2. #22
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    Re: Elemental Energy Work

    Can we store this energy so it is useful for other things like Energy Work?
    Many practitioners use the word "store" to describe the taking in of specific elemental energies, but I like to use the terms "resonate with", my own preference of course. So the answer would be yes, in Bardon's system (and Robert's Energy Work book also has some chapters which use elemental energy exercises to take in specific elements), using 'pore breathing' as the technique.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #23

    Re: Elemental Energy Work

    Used the word "store" because that is the word Robert used when speaking of chakra storage centers in Astral Dynamics. Maybe there is new terminology in the Energy book, but I have not read through it completely yet. I feel like the elemental energy comes in through the same major receptive areas of the chakra - sole of feet, palm of hand, genital area, mouth and crown - and might flow through those same channels. I had just never thought about it, or defined it working that way, so I am sorry if these musings seem fundamental.

    Solar, water and mineral energy does seem to be absorbed through the pores all the time as a passive energy, but the "life force energy" that I am refering to experientially is not passive and is directed energy. It vibrates through everything and connects us to Source energy in everything, and feels like fire or fuel in the body. I have not read the chapter on "pore breathing," yet. I am just trying to make sense of my own natural experiences with energy.

    I understand the word "resonate". I resonate with rocks and crystals. It is a reciprocal energy, like a discussion or communication between our energy system and another, and can be quite transformative and intelligent . I suppose technically we resonate with the elements as well, just on a more dramatic level. That term is over-used, though, to mean anything that "makes sense" to some people, when it is actually a more deeper, dynamic and magical (transformative) experience between our creation and Source.
    Last edited by imogen; 20th December 2011 at 12:29 AM.

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