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Thread: Energy manipulation problems

  1. #1
    Ceirwan Guest

    Energy manipulation problems


    I asked this queastion a while ago but did not get much response, none of which really solved the problem.

    I have been trying to work on NEW energy ways but my problem is i have real trouble controlling my imagination.

    I.e. i will be trying to focus awareness in the right hand, if i so much as think about the left hand the i will end up focussing there, or getting some awareness in both.

    Its the same with visualisation or tactile awareness, if i imagine myself climbing up a rope then my hands will start slipping, so i put knots in the rope to pull myself up with, this works for a small while and then i might loose strength in my arms so i will try using my feet to help climb at which point some other obstacle will come up. Ive tries loads of different stuff, ladders and cargo nets instead of rope i always end up getting the same kind of problem.

    If i try and make my awareness move i usually can't, and if i can it skips from place to place i.e. its like focussing on the hand, then thee middle of the fore arm and then the elbow, as opposed to gliding through the fore arm up into the elbow!

    Ive had these problems for ages now and they're driving me crazy and preventing me from learning NEW (or any other system).

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for reading all this!

    Edit: If by any chance it relates to the problem , i have isuues with self condidence / esteem and general unhappiness with my life, mainly due to constant bullying throughout school because i didn't fit in.

    Edit 2: Also when attempting things like stirring action when stimulationg awareness, i notice that the stirring starts going around in my head, instead of in whatever it was i was trying to stimulate if that makes sense!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Energy manipulation problems

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceirwan
    I have been trying to work on NEW energy ways but my problem is i have real trouble controlling my imagination.
    The answer is really easy. Use only techniques that do not require imagination at all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceirwan
    I.e. i will be trying to focus awareness in the right hand, if i so much as think about the left hand the i will end up focussing there, or getting some awareness in both.
    This is not imagination, but lack of concentration. This is the monkey mind acting up. The answer again is easy, but you may not like it - do exercises that control the monkey mind and build concentration.

    The first and foremost requires no imagination at all - breath awareness. Watch your breath along the nostrils, enter and exit. Alternatively you can do the same for rising and lowering of the belly in abdominal breathing. Do the later one if you have any problems with the 1st. Count 10 breaths, count "1 in, 1 out, 2 in, 2 out". If you lose count, start again. After 10, start again. Do as long as you can or set a practise time. 10 minutes at the beginning could be good. Raise to at least 20 min. If your mind wanders, begin counting again at one.

    It is not necessary to cut off thoughts that arise, but ignore them. Concentrate on the breath, and on the count.

    If you can follow your breath for minutes, follow it down the throat, into your lungs and back again. Counting optional, but still recommended.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceirwan
    Edit: If by any chance it relates to the problem , i have isuues with self condidence / esteem and general unhappiness with my life, mainly due to constant bullying throughout school because i didn't fit in.
    Had the bullying as well, look for something that builds confidence - the right job, a hobby you are good in. Consider counseling if unhappy. Neither energy work or meditation will make you happy in the short term, but can even increase the problem as stuff gets released. If the stuff gets not handled when released, little changes.

    So build some internal strength by other means. Take problems you know you have. Look for help in counseling. Consider self-hypnosis for more self-esteem, but be careful.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceirwan
    Edit 2: Also when attempting things like stirring action when stimulationg awareness, i notice that the stirring starts going around in my head, instead of in whatever it was i was trying to stimulate if that makes sense!
    Do you know the joke about the doctor and the patient? "Doc, it hurts when I do this with my hand!" - "Don't do this, two aspirins, 100 bucks."

    Drop techniques that fail badly and retry when you have the feeling you got better in concentration and such. If it does not get better, drop altogether. You do not need all of NEW to get the effect. Everyone has favorites.

    Take good care,

  3. #3
    Wrong Eye Guest
    Actually, I have a runaway imagination too. It sucks, doesn't it?

    I have also been teased/bullied/etc and have self-esteem and self-confidence problems.

    I think the problem is psychological in nature and is connected to your self-confidence, like mine is. It sounds like it may be the product of second-guessing yourself and the fear of failure. Do you have fear or anxiety problems? That can also cause a lot of what you are experiencing. The fear of losing control (I have a huge problem with that), the fear of success due to low self-esteem, or feeling like you don't deserve good things can be a factor, too.

    Probably your subconscious/unconscious fears and feelings are coming out as you are connecting more with them due to your heightened awareness. Perhaps you fear what you are experiencing on some level or percieve danger; perhaps you are having a hard time adjusting to a new reality or fear the unknown and, once again, losing control. Perhaps you fear judgement or criticism for what you are doing. Perhaps you are criticzing yourself internally.

    It is important to know these feelings/fears are not your fault, and you are not a failure. You are dealing with a lot of pain/scars and heightening your awareness at the same time, so this is normal, and not something to be ashamed of. Your pain is not your fault, and you are not bad because of it. It is just pain and the cure for that is loving support.

    My advice to you is if it causes you too much pain, leave it alone for now and seek out healing first; if not, seek out healing anyway. Spiritual things are great for this, but you also need people and to do things that feed your spirit and give you happiness. No matter what other people think. Be good to yourself and you will have an easier time, and an easier time of healing.

    It is also important to remember that sometimes what you imagine is not real, as well, it is just imagination; learn to tell the difference. This will spare you needless fear and needless pain.

    You do not deserve any more pain... and I empathize highly because I am going through a lot of the same. It is not the end, just a bump in the road; don't give up, think positively, affirm yourself, baby yourself, be good to yourself, and learn when to push beyond your percieved limits and know your actual limits. It is not an easy road to healing, but I'll bet there are people willing to be there for you; seek them out, let them help you and love you, and you will be fine!

  4. #4
    Ceirwan Guest
    Thanks for the help, i'll try and take that onboard, and practice the breath thing.

    Although i actually have no problems with stuff like following breaths or even blanking my mind completely and having no thoughts at all, thats all to me sort of passive stuff. Its when i actively try and imagine or do something that i have the opposite effect occuring.

    Part of the problem may be that when i start something like the rope technique i start of with awareness hands but i usually regress into imagination instead of tactile so i'll look at that.

    As for the the self esteem thing i have hobbys and stuff that i know consciously that i am good at, but it never seems to filter through to a sub conscious level. Even if i achieve something really good i can shrug it off with some excuse and it sometimes ends up making me feel worse.

    I'll go off and try and do your thing now!

    EDIT: This was in response to korpos reply, i'll look at the other one now!

  5. #5
    Ceirwan Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Eye
    Actually, I have a runaway imagination too. It sucks, doesn't it?

    I have also been teased/bullied/etc and have self-esteem and self-confidence problems.

    I think the problem is psychological in nature and is connected to your self-confidence, like mine is. It sounds like it may be the product of second-guessing yourself and the fear of failure. Do you have fear or anxiety problems? That can also cause a lot of what you are experiencing. The fear of losing control (I have a huge problem with that), the fear of success due to low self-esteem, or feeling like you don't deserve good things can be a factor, too.

    Probably your subconscious/unconscious fears and feelings are coming out as you are connecting more with them due to your heightened awareness. Perhaps you fear what you are experiencing on some level or percieve danger; perhaps you are having a hard time adjusting to a new reality or fear the unknown and, once again, losing control. Perhaps you fear judgement or criticism for what you are doing. Perhaps you are criticzing yourself internally.

    It is important to know these feelings/fears are not your fault, and you are not a failure. You are dealing with a lot of pain/scars and heightening your awareness at the same time, so this is normal, and not something to be ashamed of. Your pain is not your fault, and you are not bad because of it. It is just pain and the cure for that is loving support.

    My advice to you is if it causes you too much pain, leave it alone for now and seek out healing first; if not, seek out healing anyway. Spiritual things are great for this, but you also need people and to do things that feed your spirit and give you happiness. No matter what other people think. Be good to yourself and you will have an easier time, and an easier time of healing.

    It is also important to remember that sometimes what you imagine is not real, as well, it is just imagination; learn to tell the difference. This will spare you needless fear and needless pain.

    You do not deserve any more pain... and I empathize highly because I am going through a lot of the same. It is not the end, just a bump in the road; don't give up, think positively, affirm yourself, baby yourself, be good to yourself, and learn when to push beyond your percieved limits and know your actual limits. It is not an easy road to healing, but I'll bet there are people willing to be there for you; seek them out, let them help you and love you, and you will be fine!
    You've quite unnerved me with your intuition there, its hit very close to the mark, i suppose i do have a fear of success, in a way. I'm always worried about treading on other people toes and what other people will think about any decision i make, so i suppose i do fear other people judgement. I'm not scared as in physically afraid to walk down the street, but i can't really open myself up to anyone, its different posting online but in the real world i can't. I also have a lack of trust in others i suppose, for example i do martial arts and even when practising, if someone is showing me a new punch or technique, even if i know they won't actually hit me i can't help flinching or going to block it.

    I have a habit of looking at other people lives and then my own and thinking what a loser i am, this just makes me more upset in a way, and i always get it where everything gets on top of me and i need some peace and quiet away from people i.e. my family so i just go into my room, but they usually think i'm being rude and generally unsociable. (They don't know i have a problem and i'm not really the sort of person to tell them)

    The only time i tried to get help was with a hypnotherapist but he kept putting off the seccond session we were supposed to have before finally saying that he had retired because he had to much work with his day job.

  6. #6
    Flash_hound Guest
    I had that very same problem especially when I was younger and was bullied more. What you should do is instead of doing something constant in your mind, like climbing a rope you should do a trapeze circus thing in your head, where you fly from rope to rope doing back flips and stuff. Make it fast and constant so that you don't have enough time to screw it up. Then slowly slow it down. That helped me out a lot. If you feel like on the inside you can't get things right break out of your shell and put an explosive amount of energy into trying to do what your doing. Take the left path instead of the right. I don't know if you can do this but I sometimes feel different parts of my brain working, and if one path of your brain you are trying to use is frustrating try a different one. I don't know if this made any sense to you but these are techniques that helped me out.

  7. #7
    Ceirwan Guest
    The trapeze one sounds like a good idea, i'll follow that up, as for choosing the opposite path, i have tried that before, if i try and go right my mind may go left, so if i decide to go with the flow and go left then it flicks right, this will go on forever, or just get faster and faster and faster and i'll be left thinking about nothing!

    Got to go to bed now, so i'll reply to any other responses in the morning, thanks!

  8. #8
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    Okay, this sounds a bit strange to me. You can concentrate but not keep your imagination in check - how unexpected.

    Again - it is easy in concept. Remove the imagination completely from your practise. Forget about images, forget about ropes, trapezes, whatever. Just try to feel whatever there is.

    You don't need any visualisation for energy work, I do not use it all. I personally keep it in check as I think that you can get more than you initially thought, because images contain a lot of information, more than we are consciously aware of. Furthermore I thought about what you seem to think - what if a more neurotical tendency creeps into the images and I do more damage than good? I better give no examples here, and you may have encountered this yourself.

    If you can feel energy blockages, you can simply concentrate on their presence. This will begin a process of weakening them, the longer you concentrate, the better. Try to keep relaxed, and try to get the most relaxed grip on a blockage you can get, but still feel it. It will dissolve into airy energy, if you keep concentrating on the blockage after it has dissolved.

    Take these out to the outermost edge of your aura, drop as much of this energy below your feet. This will prevent the blockage from reforming and neutralise the energy that formerly was bound with an issue.

    This technique requires absolutely no imagination whatsoever, so no run-away imagination is possible. Can you truely feel energy moving or do you visualise that too?


  9. #9
    Wrong Eye Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceirwan
    You've quite unnerved me with your intuition there, its hit very close to the mark, i suppose i do have a fear of success, in a way. I'm always worried about treading on other people toes and what other people will think about any decision i make, so i suppose i do fear other people judgement. I'm not scared as in physically afraid to walk down the street, but i can't really open myself up to anyone, its different posting online but in the real world i can't. I also have a lack of trust in others i suppose, for example i do martial arts and even when practising, if someone is showing me a new punch or technique, even if i know they won't actually hit me i can't help flinching or going to block it.

    I have a habit of looking at other people lives and then my own and thinking what a loser i am, this just makes me more upset in a way, and i always get it where everything gets on top of me and i need some peace and quiet away from people i.e. my family so i just go into my room, but they usually think i'm being rude and generally unsociable. (They don't know i have a problem and i'm not really the sort of person to tell them)

    The only time i tried to get help was with a hypnotherapist but he kept putting off the seccond session we were supposed to have before finally saying that he had retired because he had to much work with his day job.
    I'm sorry for unnerving you, Cerwain. I just hope it was of some help.

    I understand a lot of what you're saying, and I think Korpo is right too. I tend to not use visualization because it does run away with me.

    If there's anything else I can do to help, please let me know.

  10. #10
    Ceirwan Guest
    I can focus on one part of the body i.e. my right thumb and it will feel warm and tingly after a while, my right thumb is easy to do. Some toes i can barely feel when i do it.

    Its when it comes to sliding the awareness for stimulation that i encounter
    difficulty, i just can't seem to get it to slide, if i want to go from my thumb to my shoulder i need to focus on major things on the way like my elbow, i can't seem to choose a patch of skin and focus my awareness, if i try either nothing happens or i focus on the entire limb it is part of....

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