So in my waking life I am a pretty chill and nice person. But in my dreams I am this horrible violent criminal.

Like, ok in this dream I had last night I beat three people up that busted into my dorm room, I stole a bunch of stuff from a grocery store, crashed into like three peoples cars, and did a bunch of other bad stuff that I can't remember.

I mean this isn't like just a one night thing, it is like all the dreams I can remember; I have a completely different personality then when I am awake. I had another dream the other night where someone tried to poison me so I nearly drowned him in a puddle, I was involved with this crime syndicate, I stole a bunch of stuff, did a bunch of drugs etc etc.

Another underlying theme in all these dreams is some sort of matrix-ish conspiricy, like I "know too much" about "whatever" so there is somthing far more powerful then me that is after me - seems to have alot to do with the fighting, i'm not just fighting people, its almost like the universe is fighting me. (or i'm fighting it)

So what could this possibly mean? Can you build up negative karma in dreams even if your not aware of what you are doing? Could this be just a subconcious part of myself that I repress? Do I just have multiple personalites? Or could it be past life issues that I still haven't dealt with yet?