An ultimate solution to keeping healthy relationships is to realize that expectations are not (should not be treated as) requirements.

This reveals the nature of reality: a new relationship becomes unhealthy in the first second that it occured, just not necesserily realized or realized fully. The time does not exist - only hiding the truth from us makes this illusion of "discovering" something about someone that in our eyes may make the relationship unhealthy. This means that "unhealthy" is something within - our hidden perception of ourselves in time reveals (not changes) the relationship - unless we change ourselves.

How to overcome a trap of time, hiding from us the truth about a potential relationship? Two ways come to my mind:
- being aware that other people's expectations are something that do not require from us meeting these expectations - so we have a choice to react in any way we want, and when this choice is in attunement with our real selves (spirit), it would be natural to us
- taking advantage of the law of resonance / telepathy to go beyond time-space limitations and discover those expectations - or speaking more closely to how people think: simply figuring them out by use of telepathy, which is pretty simple when trained

When practising this, you would realize at certain point that you actually "work" not on a relationship, but on yourself. Because the term "relationship" means to relate / to be relative to some(thing / one), and it always has two sides:
- one is how we relate (choose to react) to others - if we choose unhealthy way, the relationship is simply unhealthy in the first second that it has been established, as time does not exist (as mentioned above)
- second is how we relate to ourselves - which in turn leads us to the previous point when relationships are considered