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Thread: DNA

  1. #1


    Several years ago I was told that DNA is yin in nature; yang is energy which interacts with it.

    Keeping this point in my mind, I've read about an issues with replicating the cells being mostly related to DNA in which chains are getting smaller and smaller when replication takes place - and the limit as the research revealed was 50 possible replications. When the replication occurs 50 times, it is not possible any more. So it seems like it does not recieve / have enough energy to combine all those atoms. Here the delibarate conscious "spiritual" work comes in of providing necessery energy for the molecules and cells in order to keep their functions intact and in original state. However, while energy is important, and is probably the biggest reason on how to keep body functioning perfectly and unbroken at cellural and atomic level, I don't think energy is the only factor playing role here, yet most important. Keeping the whole organism in such a perfect state takes more than that, on which we can learn from some ancient texts like from Egypt, India or China.

    Did anyone worked on deliberate modification of his or her own DNA - with light (not technology)? Any experiences to share? Life as we know it works thanks to this blueprint (DNA), which is a very special combination of atoms and is in the core of how organism works and how is shaped. This means that working with it directly, rather than indirectly through external manipulation, may result in a direct control over the whole organism at will, including rapid regeneration, producing enzymes etc. With combination of glands and hormons in this way we gain mastery and control over life.

    I am currently researching this subject and wondering to what degree DNA is an intelligent system which interacts - intelligently - with energy as quality, or not and then is more mechanical in nature and as such requires more details to be taken into account when trying to modify it. It's worth to note that DNA changes anyway, e.g. when in an ill state. It is a flexible mechanism. Logical analysis suggests the former, as consciousness plays a big role here. Research in progress.
    Last edited by Antares; 13th January 2020 at 09:39 AM.

  2. #2
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    Re: DNA

    Are you talking about cell apoptosis?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: DNA

    No, I don't think so. If you are referring to the number of times of a cell that is possible to divide, it is so called Hayflick limit:

    The main point however is to work with / on DNA. I really do not like the philosophy of modern science providing many overwhelming details without a sensible conclusion of a bigger picture; therefore I rather go with the ancient paradigms where understanding comes from "top to bottom" rather than vice versa - i.e. looking for references and clear relationships, and not mostly with labelling things discovered and isolating them. However, stating this, I do not reject science as such, as it is just another perspective. I think that quitting the assumption that development of understanding the universe / macrocosm and microcosm may go only one way may only result in benefit. It is not just interdisciplinarity between science branches; it is rather meta-interdisciplinarity between paradigms behind the knowledge development approach. This means that whatever science states what cells or atoms do or how a substance reacts to in a changed environment, in the end is not that important, because this is not a complete knowledge, but only a glimpse seen from the material perspective. The influence of energy, and particularly will / consciousness is absent in it. My understanding is that they are missing the essential point here, and as such, science is in most useless in a practical sense for a "spiritual" (so called) person. So it rather gives you explanation why you cannot achieve something because of this and that... and this and that is - again - a superficial, limited understanding of the modern scientific point of view. This in big part refers to modern, western science-based medicine, where people cannot explain and even are not eager to explain so called "miracles", but forcing the pharmacuetical business. I'm saying it because I can see many people today, also from the esoterics fields, looking with a hope into science to help them to justify their personal goals or to bring even a fragile support for their non-scientific desires; but maybe it is better to go the way the ancient people did: they simply explored the universe by themselves. Modern science has a hidden "motivation" behind it: it is technology-driven. And here comes the fundamental conflict between a personal achievement and modern science.

    Instead of asking questions like: "what adding just another atom of carbon to a molecule would change in overall reaction", being then often astonished but also overwhelemed by the observed results, trying to isolate things and simplify the enivornment in which a chemical reaction occurs, in order to decrease a number of variables involved, but not really understanding what happens, I prefer to ask questions like "what is a quality of this or that substance" or "what happens when consciousness and / or energy interacts with it"; I have different motivations and goals therefore than a technologically-driven science, yet I find a scientific research results interesting. After all, we all pay for them.
    Last edited by Antares; 14th January 2020 at 09:20 AM.

  4. #4

    Re: DNA

    To make this explanation short and straightforward, I'd say that it does not matter what medical sciences or science in general tell you what is possible or not, because they are really amusing in making such a bold statements like those (some scientists tend to be more careful in the ultimate statements, however). It does not matter that much if a cell dies and when. What does matter is to make an independent and possibly practical point based on your own understanding of many factors that science does not take into account. This results in being a step or few steps ahead of science and gaining more true, holistic perspective. In fact, most scientists in reality does not understand truly what they are dealing with. They don't see the connections, except those strictly defined and anticipated by the "scientific system". And this really imposes a very tight, limiting framework on what you can gain from an observation of the macro-/micro-cosm. Ancient educated people were scientific as well, but their paradigms were way very much different than those hold by most of modern people. For example, my understanding of DNA is different from what an average scientist thinks of it.

  5. #5

    Re: DNA

    DNA reprogramming

    DNA interacts with frequency (energy).

    The more energy it recieves, the more these molecules are able to operate.

    The higher frequency of your mind, energy and body's cells, the more DNA is eager to interact with it (i.e. being less resistant). (Imagine atoms in different matter states: the less solid it is, the more energetic it is, which is particularly evident in electrons moving around the center).

    The quality / type of energy (its vibration) is what shapes the DNA.

    Mind (intent) is the tool to shaping DNA. Body is an effect of the whole process:

    mental decision (frequency of thought) -> energetic frequency present in your aura and ethereal body -> DNA affected -> body changed accordingly to the program

    What is body? (Body is not a physical stack of atoms)

    Body is a multilevel, rich tool of manifestation involving lots of "material" hidden in it, a very complex system - a universe in itself - containing vasts of information that can be utilized. No known living person achieved its potential fully - yet.

    Lots to be discovered of and experiemented with the physical body-universe. Starting with DNA (rather than brain, or nervous system) is recommended - through empirical means, not through the scientific theorizing.

    Body reprogramming - the higher frequency of the atoms

    Energy system of human being interacts tightly (provided that there is enough qi there) with the physical body. It processes many things inside it, from nervous system to digesting system, and all in between. Glands and energy centers are the means to make that happen.

    All particles react to frequencies. This is how this universe is built. Physical body is included in following the universal laws.

    Simply, changing the frequency of energy inside causes the frequency of energy incoming, particularly started by your (new) mental thought, then ethereal body, and makes the new matrix and frequency, which all the matter particles obey to. In the middle of this process, through glands and hormons, the DNA is being modified. Higher frequencies can then activate hidden potential in DNA (activating more than 2 strands).

  6. #6
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    Re: DNA

    Science is based on measurement and observation, nothing more. It is not inspired and it is not looking towards something in particular. When science predicts, it is based on the observation. If you state " it does not matter what medical sciences or science in general tell you what is possible or not," I would say that that's not what they do- they do exactly what you said here "what happens when consciousness and / or energy interacts with it" it is also what they do in physics.
    What you want science to be is a philosophy, and there already are all kinds of philosophies.
    But DNA is DNA, and not whatever you want it to be-or maybe it is.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  7. #7

    Re: DNA

    Ok, so I don't want to delve too deeply into out-topic, but want to just share my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Science is based on measurement and observation, nothing more. It is not inspired and it is not looking towards something in particular.
    Actually, it is. There is this difference between "science" as an ideal, and "science" as a real approach. The latter is what we are faced with. The scientists are people like every other - they are not "mental super-gods" having ultimate knowledge of everything.

    So, what they do then?

    They assume. They are taught by universities what is (currently) "the best" approach to researching the reality.

    The result that we are dealing with is the work ("product" - information) of scientists. Hence, keeping over-idalistic view on scientific results is not really practical.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    What you want science to be is a philosophy, and there already are all kinds of philosophies.

    I don't. But science is a philosophy - just like any other approach to dealing with reality. It also has a lot of assumptions, which are for decades a subject of endless discussions, and no end of it is seen. You even stated that, in your first statement "Nothing more", or maybe much more, in reality? Mathematics, for instance, is a conceptual philosophy in its essence.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    When science predicts, it is based on the observation.
    This is much, much more complicated. Scientific results or "product", in the end, is broke down to certain statements: "it is, because...", "it is not, because...". It is not just based on observation. There is no objective reality - there is only percieved reality. This is a total difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    But DNA is DNA, and not whatever you want it to be-or maybe it is.

    When I'm referring to DNA, I'm speaking of the essential part of cell that bears the blueprint for it to be (re)-build. I use this scientific label in order to have a shortcut so that an interested person have a quick idea what is it about. But indeed, DNA is just a concept, after all.

    If you want to talk more about science, I prefer to move such discussion to another thread, so that there was no confusion between talking about DNA and talking about science in general.

  8. #8

    Re: DNA

    Just like there is an ongoing war between the matter and spirit - within, there is a war between yin and yang elements. This is how the world - or rather, the belief - of dualism work in practice.

    Your mental / spiritual endeavors are your yang part; your DNA is your yin part. They are in an ongoing war - i.e. it's the belief deeply rooted in the subconsciousness of the modern society particularly by the catholic church or the buddhist beliefs, among others. And people typically lose this war.

    To go beyond the war means to combine your DNA with your energy / spirit - to pass down the energy / spirit down to your cells, to activate your full DNA potential at will. When that happens, "miracles" stop to be miracles.

  9. #9

    Re: DNA

    DNA I believe is an interesting case of "I judge myself sexy." Well, I'm okay at apathy... olyris

  10. #10

    Re: DNA

    A typical scientist's reaction and conclusion to the DNA discovery is that human is a machine, a statement made e.g. by Bill Sullivan, the American scientist and the university worker. People don't doubt it - well, it's science, it's certainly very well thought through, isn't it? Masses obviously are not trained to dealing with such scientific statements, they actually also don't care much about them, but expect others to tell them what the reality is (so that they could do different things that are on their minds). There were also other attempts in a different circumstances to convey such a conclusion about human being just a machine and nothing else, but the DNA discovery is now the main source of support (I believe, now treated as proof) for this thesis.

    I'm not sure why, but it might be also noticed that scientists have also a tendency to be modern preachers as a replacement to old priests, i.e. suggesting people why everyone who thinks differently is regrettable, at best. They don't have to do it, it is also risky to put such statements, they might be judged as biased, and there are in fact no benefits of doing that - so why do so many scientists do that anyway?

    At least 50% books written by scientists (typically from the physics, chemistry and biology fields; mathematicians or philosophers typically don't have this tendency as far as I observed) that are targetted at masses which I've seen seem like to want to smuggle their own beliefs, next to talking about and praising science and its criteria for judging the reality and making conclusions out of such an approach. It seems like this old christian heritage to convert people to their beliefs is still very deeply rooted for some reason. But let's put the ancient beliefs war aside for now.

    Well... my view is different. I don't undermine the spirit existence nor my psychic experience, I also don't treat physical experience to be of more importance than the psychic one. The fact that physical is measured by the use of physical detection, and spirit is measured by spirit, did not drive me to a conclusion to pay attention only or mainly to the former, and call - directly or indirectly - everyone who doesn't agree with me a "dumb" or "ignorant".

    But maybe I should, as well.

    Anyway, the war between flesh and spirit is about how much there is one over another. My observation is, decreasing spirit influence increases personality and DNA influence, and vice versa.

    But the real challenge is to find a truce between the two. When they won't come to common terms, the war is lost: the spirit leaves and the body dies.

    Consider the idea that the body is a design of the mind, which is, in turn, a design of the spirit. Then, the body is a creative result - is like a thought of mind: when the thinker stops thinking the thought, the body pattern dissolves. But you are free to choose the opposite perspective: take the DNA book, read it, and (inevitably) conclude that your complex mental experiences are a product of simple molecules called proteins (so that at least, you would be in majority of massive beliefs then, and scientists would praise you for being a decent thinker instead of putting a word fight against you - a price and a reward for not thinking independently)

    Some of the scientific "conclusions" go far beyond the biology itself and include the idea of people's inability to get over their issues, whatever they are: like overweight or depression (which BTW actually don't quite conform with other scientific fields like the rather recent mathematical conclusions about what and how much can be determined). My observation, again, is different: paying attention to spirit, or strengthening the spirit, builds the inner strength, and allows you to overcome any shortcomings, physical included.

    Last but not least, I wish scientists like Bill to overcome their inability to belief in their personal abilities of overcoming their shortcomings.


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