Do you draw energy, like qi, from any external sources? Or you do not?
For example, sun is one of the most powerful energy transmitters. Do you use it? If not, why?

I'm asking about it partly because that I noticed a strong dependence on such external sources, sun being the most important. I feel that my reception and absorption of the sun rays significantly increased, and with cloudless days like today I had, I feel strong impact of being energized by it: not just physically, but in particular on mental, astral or spiritual etc. levels. This works also the other way around: lack of sun rays is very noticeable! My mind works very different, depending on presence or absence of sun during the day, like I had a direct connection to sun whenever it shows up and is not covered. This of course makes some suspicions about planes polluting the sky in order to create "artificial" clouds... Anyway, have you observed some similart effects?