About two days ago I found the link for in the authors story I seemed to put some pieces together of a very old puzzle for me. It has also given me a perspective on myself that I feel will have far reaching implications for me.

As a child even up to my teenaged years I would have regular out of body experiences. Some really really good... some really really bad. I can remember both flying to new heights and exploring amazing places and also snapping back into my body after a 'night terror' with a weird taste in my mouth and a loud ringing in my ears.

Once I reached a certain age(I think it was around 11 or 12) I began to have these extremely intense lucid dreams / out of body experiences. I was flying at great speeds through this planar type space inbetween these multicolor surfaces. In between these two surfaces were these huge columns of energy, surging back and forth. Accompanied with this was a weird sound unlike I have ever been able to re-produce.

As I traveled in this space it seems as though my lower chakra's seem to come alive with a huge surge of energy. It quickly began to manifest itself as a lustful experience and I literally begin 'service myself' in a trance like state, to the point where there were times that I didn't even remember where I had done so. I can remember as I did there was this taste and sensation that seemed to envelope my whole body.

I felt as though it was a loss of control. I felt ashamed and embarrassed of it eventually I chose to manifest a lesser experience consciously so I did not have to deal with the unconscious experience.

I think I may have been having some type of kundalini activation and due to lack of knowledge and guidance it fizzled out. Connecting these dots has given me a new perspective on things..