I have been trying to project consciously for 5 years(not in a row just on and off). As of late I have been serious for the first time since I started. I have been using Robert Monroe's gateway tapes for a while. Anyways I learned the focus 10 from Robert Monroe and I learned most of the other things from Robert Bruce's Astral Dynamics. I was so close to projecting I have all the parts down, the deep physical relaxation, the clear mind, the trace techniques, and even the exit techniques. Well I relaxed used focus 10 technique road the escalator down to go deeper into trace. When fully in trace I started to pull the rope and after a few seconds I started to separate from my physical body I felt myself going up and heard a rushing sound. Then my problem started, my heart chakra start to throb really fast. I tried hard to ignore it but it got to be to much so I stopped. My physical heart was also racing. I am not sure if it was the excitement or what that made my heart race. Normally this would not be a problem but I get panic attacks sometimes and that is one of the symptoms so it worried me a little. I know it is a normal exit sensation but my physical heart racing is kind of a problem for me though it did not scare me as it normally does. Though it was enough for me to stop. I'm so close to projecting so can someone please help me, any suggestions are welcome. Thank in advance