Hi there bruce this is chris...... ever since the show you did on coast to coast about astral projection, i think it was the 16th of may i have just been SO focused on it.... for 2 days now i have not really fell asleep yet im not tired at all and have been focusing on trying to astral.... and i was also reading some of the book NOTHING IN THIS BOOK IS TRUE, BUT IT'S EXACTLY HOW THINGS ARE. by Bob Frissell great great book has alot to do about physical dimensions and the conscience mind ever since your night though on Coast to Coast i have been reall just thrown into liek hyper thinking lol kind of liek in the movie phenomenon with Jhon Travolta.. any ways i hav enoticed that i see the wavelengths more easier now the ENERGIES when i close my eyes i will see liek a picture flash kind of like when you shut off a projection television and it leaves that picture for a sec or two.. after that i start seeeing this energy or wavelengths and i noticed that about the second day into messing around with it i started hearing ( lol hope this doesnt freak anyone out) i startred hearing your voice quite clearly and your head kind of floating towards me giving me a tap a whisper you were saying Astrivulate and i was still hearing with my eyes open while writing this now i was wondering maybe we had some kind of connection since i rememebr you saying you have had many meetings and expieriences with peoplle you never met before in the atral zone SO... was wondering maybe thats a connection between the two of us or since we all share the same conscience mind or IF maybe thats MY way of reaching the astral zone liek a SKILL im building for myself ?????? any thoughts on that