Hi Robert,

I have being projecting in to real time (just around my house) for about the last 12 months thanks to your guidelines on energy training and other books.

My experiences have now changed somewhat:

When I reach the state between sleep and awake, occasionally everything will flash white and then start to flash red green blue etc. Sometimes I play with raising my own energy by shifting my attention to 'brushing' various parts of my body... the energy surge there is massive and much faster then if I was in every day consciousness. Then I usually fall asleep. What other use could I put this 'state' in to if any?

Also when I do project, sometimes I miss the exit and find myself in what seems to be like a rushing tunnel, I am a little nervous of this and usually force myself to fall asleep by not holding a clear mind. Should I be nervous? Any ideas what is happening?

Any guidance would be great,
