View Poll Results: How do you think Demons were created?

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  • God simply made them.

    6 23.08%
  • They were created through the darkside of mankinds's conciousness, meaning hatred greed, etc.

    9 34.62%
  • we unconciously created them by believing they exist. (thought forms)

    3 11.54%
  • demons are simply bad human spirits

    3 11.54%
  • all or none of the above

    5 19.23%
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Thread: demons

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: demons

    Quote Originally Posted by John Sorensen View Post
    I agree with you in parts, but I don't buy into the "ready" part or the "incarnation wheel". All of time is simultaneous, and from my current view point, we exist in physical bodies for a reason, we chose to be here, simple because certain experiences are only possible in a material body, while other entities has chosen purely non-physical existences, and others have chosen combinations of both, but these are only some options out of an ocean of infinite possibilities,

    as we exist as many selves simultaneously, including alternate selves, probable selves and probable higher selves, but our focus right now is on this particular incarnation, but if you shift your current focus, you will experience yourself primarily as the tree rather than the branch on the tree.
    I far as I can see today...and off course all will be revised when I will understand more
    But that is my experience in Writing moment.
    Yes I agree with you too, that we are here for a reason, as for me it is to be able to enter through the narrow gate into the real home from where I was out breathened into the duality to be able to understand what creating and cration is all about

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  2. #72
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    Re: demons

    Quote Originally Posted by katarina View Post
    Yes, I've learned enough things about demons' psychic influences (I've been in that for my whole life), but I'm also being attacked during sleep on daily basis, so I just need to know can something really, really bad happen than. He paralyzes my body and chokes me sometimes. I think that my self-defense progress is going pretty well, by the way. Wish me luck!
    When you say paralyzes you, are you talking about your physical body, or are you in the dream state?

    What part of sleep are you experiencing this? Is it near the early hours of the morning when you wake up? I am curious, are you aware that while we sleep we undergo muscle atonia, (sleep paralysis) while going to sleep and typically when waking. Look up wikipedia page "sleep paralysis" for some general info.

    This is a normal bodily process, we go into sleep paralysis so that we don't act out our dreams, thrashing about and hurting our bodies or rolling out of bed while sleeping. There is even a condition commonly referred to as Night Terrors, where people do not go into sleep paralysis and DO thrash about and hurt themselves, or others, there is also sleep walking.

    Historically, sleep paralysis has been commonly thought of as being held down by an entity, and in fact if you concentrate your attention on such a thing with intent, you WILL create a thought form to fulfil your expectations.

    I have experienced sleeping paralysis when coming out of a lucid dream, back into non-dream sleep (when we usually are not aware). The first time it scared the hell out of me, I tried to move my muscles with all my effort, but to no avail.

    The second time was not so bad, it stopped after a minute. Then I did some reading, and the third time I KNEW what it was, recognised the state and knew what to do.

    Here is the thing, if during sleep paralysis you try and move your muscles, it will not work, it's like trying to move your physical body with your mental body. You may as well try and start the car with your house key.

    However, instead of trying to move your physical muscles, instead have the Conscious Intention to wake up, and you will. I have used that method successfully several times, it is easy.

    The thing is not to panic, or give in to fear. "We have nothing to fear but fear itself"

    Now, let's say there is an actual entity, well even MORE important not to give in to fear.

    If a rabid dog attacks you, you don't panic and give in to fear, you kill it or disable it, and go back to whatever you were doing, or otherwise you flee. Either way you make a Conscious Decision as a Creator, not an Unconscious Reaction, which is what happens when we panic or allow fear into our minds.

    When the Spartans fought the Persians, a battle in which their death was CERTAIN, they had no fear in their hearts, they marched into battle willingly, and I imagine with big grins on their faces, because they knew their enemy was marching into a living hell, the likes of which they had never encountered, and which surely gave them nightmares and filled them with fear.

    Fear is a choice, well a reaction if we are talking biological survival oriented fear, rather than psychological fear. Nothing in the universe can take away your free will or ability to think your own thoughts. Your mind is free to use as you please, rather than choosing fear, why not chose a great big sword and when you encounter that demon, cut its head off and show it that you are a conscious citizen of the universe, full of light and unlimited energy, a multidimensional being who refuses to be a victim to anyone or anything.
    “Vision without action is daydream.
    Action without vision is nightmare.”
    —Japanese Proverb

  3. #73

    Re: demons

    John Sorensen, thanks, I know what sleeping paralysis is, I've been experiencing it for years BUT in my case it is caused by entities that practically live with me for who knows how long. I'm also able to see entities with my regular eye-sight while I'm awake, it only requires a little concentration to be able to see them moving through walls etc. They are torturing me and forcing me to evolve, of course, but the thing that scared me most was that 2-3 meters high profoundly black entity (probably a demon) who paralysed my physical, etheric and astral body (3 in 1) and I had to beg him to stop doing it because he was extremely big and strong. I'm talking about mind-split effect here, where my astral body was completely aware of the entity and was talking to him and begging him to let me go, while etheric and physical body also remained conscious, but were unable to do a thing. I'm a good person and I don't mess up with people, ghosts and demons and I certainly wouldn't kill any of them, I have my own path and way of development and just want them to go somewhere else and finally forget about me. That's it.

  4. Re: demons

    I can say for myself, I know for a fact from my experience Demons, Spirits, Non-Physical Entity's, whatever you may call them, do indeed exist. Why wouldnt the Divine/Source permit it anyway? When one's awareness is grounded into the relative level of consciousness, technically "anything" already does exist within the microcosm of God as Infinite Potentiality. As For Mother Nature, She is Objective, Nature being objective within this reality framework to be precise, no doubt this planet is crawling with the unseen spirits.

    It can just be difficult to tell an etheric being from one from the mental planes(astral).

  5. #75
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    Re: demons

    Hi Polaris. I agree that there must be 'everything' possible- but how we distinguish or assign order of strength/quality is or always has been a mystery to me. I've seen some horrific things that were actually harmless, and some innocuous-looking things that were capable of harm, or at least so it seemed to me. So I stand on the "IDK" or "What Was That?" fence.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. #76
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    Re: demons

    One of the scariest negs I ever met was simply a voice calling from across the street saying, "Do you need some help!? Do you need some help with that?"

    I woke up calling, "Jesus, Jesus save me!!!"

    Matter is only mind in an opaque condition; and all beauty is but a symbol of spirit.
    - E Hubbard

  7. Re: demons

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    Hi Polaris. I agree that there must be 'everything' possible- but how we distinguish or assign order of strength/quality is or always has been a mystery to me. I've seen some horrific things that were actually harmless, and some innocuous-looking things that were capable of harm, or at least so it seemed to me. So I stand on the "IDK" or "What Was That?" fence.
    Hi CFT yes, there was a point in my life as well I used to be cynical and radically skeptical about the existence of these entity's.("They are all just thought forms, they are all imaginary."

    Some experiences I couldn't explain from simple logical reasoning allowed me to open up more and be on the "IDK maybe there is something there to this" fence as well. When I had validations and confirmations of things I have experienced through particular correlations, conditions and synchronicity, I had the unique opportunity which allowed me to assess myself more and more based on those experiences and my attitude and approach behind it. So i cant help but be quite certain of it.

    The way I think and process. 'We', our brains are all biologically wired differently.(It's not all just about a persons belief system alone.)

    How and why these things occur.

    The Theoretical nature behind their effects on us(The Mind & Psyche) as well as the physical environment.

    It has given me some good perspective behind the whole phenomena which has given me some leads. I cant say I "Absolutely" know everything about them, but I am very sure that they do in fact exist.

    Yes I agree, It can be very difficult when categorizing and classifying these beings and coming to a collective agreement upon it. It's all relative really, which is why I try not to make it too complicated with the terminology and classifications. As I do not suspect there to be a one to one correlation between every metaphysical concept and every "reality" there is to match it, within mother nature's laws for our reality.

    The consensus so far I have had about these discussions with some clairvoyants, mediums, and other sensitives, is that one can tell a thought form because it has the same energy signature of the person that has created it. It is literally an extension of the person. Entitys and spirits have their own unique energy signatures, one can tell when interfacing with their conciousness. Just like feeling the energy of a rock, will feel different from feeling the energy of the grass, to a squirrel to a tree, any given life form etc. and on a more individual level, among us humans. So too they. This all happens on an intuitive level, and anyone can try, practice, and get the hang of it to sharpen their natural skills.

    Last edited by Polaris Akkadian; 22nd March 2014 at 08:25 PM.

  8. #78
    Join Date
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    Louisville Ky.

    Re: demons

    Yeah there are plenty ugly spooks and there are strong ugly spooks, but Demons are an entirely different ball of wax and not I dont believe interested in people. People are chump change to them. Words like Angels, Demons ect are thrown around way to loosely.

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Perth Western Australia

    Re: demons

    I believe imho and ime;

    that God is plural and bi gendered and created us and we re-create them. The earth is one of many planets of sentient lifeforms scattered far from each other. But we are all connected in consciousness. The Elohim are an Abrahamic description of the Godhead; either, neither , or.Upon each sentient body there are two sides;

    The left side; Ama, Mother,Sophia/Wisdom, night, black ,peace, mercy,compassion The right side;Aba, Father, Pistis/Power, day, white, dominion, knowlege, love

    This dichotomy is expressed in humanity on our spinal chakral column/Tree of Life and in our subtle energy body.

    As on the right , so on the left. And as above so below.

    Below the human energy body are infernal realms; the roots of the tree, which may become a mirror of the Tree above or may become rotted, mildewed and manifest negative earthbound spirits and demons. These plague the self, the current live family, the future progeny et al. They are predatious in nature sucking life force, causing nightmares, depleting immune systems and promoting violence, fear, revenge and hatred.

    Above the human energy body in the supernal realms; through the canopy are the teaching planes of Shamballah,where human projectors and spirits learn to love, forgive, heal,exorcise, transmute,protect, teach , inspire and serve as angels.

    Demons are one name for negative entities, these may be alive unconsciously projecting
    or targeting at will, they might be constrained in helscape nightmare realms while alive . They might live in the hels while alive. They can be helped and should be.

    Demons are not a Christian construct but Christianity adopted mistruths concerning occult wisdoms that there were fallen angels, there are not.That there is a red suited horned hooved and tailed Satan ruling in Hell, that is incorrect. Satan is a word meaning chief prosecutor , the one who condemns the sinner to God and evokes a consequence. Lucifer is another misnomer meaning the rising star and is not personified despite Christian rhetoric. Samael is an obedient archangel who is a warden in the lower planes and a previous incarnation of the Christ.

    Devas both good and bad are the name of angels and devils from the ancient Hindu Vedic texts which predate Abrahamic sacred texts. Buddha described demons and the illusion of pain and nightmares they evoked in him and his fight to escape the illusion. He called life an illusion, too.

    When the human is born of negative vibration parent/s they may enter the world with a negative vibration which can be healed and ascended. When a strong negative spirit ancestor chooses they may ride upon , in, under or over their progeny and afflict them trying to seduce them to their 'sins' to live vicariously through them. And they consume the energy of their family , victimizing them like they are prey.

    The negative vibration has a hierarchy
    *Thought Forms of negative emotions
    ( fear, grief, revenge, hatred,violent lust)unleased with or without intention;
    *Negative Dreamstate/unconscious /Astral Accidents
    (projected humans unintentionally raging, attacking or preying upon an 'enemy')
    *Projecting Magickians
    (who choose to attend to inflict harm to a percieved 'enemy')
    *Humans under neg/s influence
    *Demonic Spirit who is chaotic attacking by opportunity and chance
    *Human under temporary control by other neg/s
    *Demonic Spirit who purposely clouds mind and evokes reaction to eat energy
    *Humans under attachment by other neg/s
    *Demonic Spirit who seeks kindred human prey attaching to them urging vice
    *Human possessed by other neg
    *Demonic Spirit with motivation and skill to seek control and perpetuate existence
    *Human possessed by multiple negs
    *Demon who controls a legion of enslaved deceased negs
    *Human possessed by legion of negs under control of one neg
    *Goetic Demon
    (one who appears according to the lesson at hand and judges and afflicts without mercy)
    *Goetic Form
    (a teaching spirit who has both angelic and demonic aspects and who punishes the wicked and awards the virtuous, justly)

    In the Judaic tradition there are no demons, God created no evil. Humans manifest the demons of this world and the next by our words, thoughts, actions of non love to self and each other.
    Last edited by Aunt Clair; 16th April 2014 at 05:08 AM.
    ~*~Love , Light & Laughter ~*~

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