Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
Exactly A "chosen" one is you who chose (for) yourself.

I liked the idea from the christianity (in this case this was Jesus teachings) that any kind of knowledge can be gained for a diligent "researcher" (knowledge-gainer). But my view on immortality is that it has actually little to do with knowledge, and much more with the other than intellectual assets, more of mystic and energetic nature; i.e. immortality is an extension to conscious(-ness) development, increase of awareness, spirit orientation, deeper understanding (vs. learning intellectually) of life-processes vs. death / enthropy, embracing nature (in any sense), connecting to energy, and other stuff like that which ancient immortals were speaking of.

BTW I always loved to hear people's excuses why they cannot have / achieve something.

I just realized my view about only being able to get information from someone else stems from my up bringing. I was brought up Mormon (even though I'm not religious anymore). The idea of god being in charge of everything and being blessed meant you're blessed by an entity may still be in my head causing this belief. Thank you for illuminating this. Even if I don't/can't change this belief at least I know why it is there now.