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Thread: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

  1. #21

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Bruce View Post
    The main similarity between the physical universe and the astral is that they occupy the same space.

    Everything else is different.

    A small percentage of people can sense things in the astral, like psychics/clairvoyants.

    But these dimensional areas are largely separate.

    You can also think of the astral dimension as something like how hyperspace or subspace is depicted in some movies.
    No doubt, they need to be different. And our mind 'needs' to make this perceived barrier between the two. I believe this is due to the agenda on the Earth plane. One of things that always made me wonder here is a typical, subconscious fear that people have when attempting OBE. Is it really natural?

    Yet, in the end, it is all about perception. Some people, for instance, claim that they can see through matter (I cannot, at the moment at least) and state that matter is not solid.

    A very interesting point can be found in the ancient cosmologies which tell about "energy" being substance of the universe on all levels (logically meaning that you need an "energetic presence" - possibly also physical - when 'inside' the universe, and when there's no energy presence, you are not in it, i.e. pure consciousness without substance, form, energy etc.) - universal and mutable, travelling through the it continously: from physical to ethereal, from ethereal to astral, from astral to spiritual, and so on. This is also the basis for eastern medical systems. It's very interesting in the context of quantum physics, basically stating the same: atoms are not just ultimate tiny "balls", they consist of smaller 'particles', pretty universal ones (protons, neutrons, electrons). Electrons are most interesting of those, being far from what we expect: according to physicists, being more like fog, not a point. Finally, we find only small portions of quantum energy - and this is the point where modern science currently ends.

    In the end, these barriers between dimensions may turn out to be purely our personal and subjective restrictions. Many people believe that they do not have anything except a physical body - they believe that they do not experience anything but physical senses. Some are doubtful even whether they have any dreams - many people just don't remember them. They exclude something because lack of experience. How to convince such people that they have also something like ethereal or astral body? Or how to convince them that they can even transport and transform energy from one level to another? And that it is achievable for a human being to become aware of deeper parts of the mind - including astral one? I discovered that how my mind and memory work depends largely on my attitude, beliefs and expectations - most of them being deeply rooted in the subconscious part of the mind. But why? Where these limitations come from? What is the idea behind all of those systems, starting from cells and DNA, to complex interactions between different energy levels, physical included?
    I really believe that our limitations can be overcome and worked out. To me it seems like working on a meta-level in opposite to our typical level that we usually operate on, which can be considered to be a next level of thinking (being aware of our mental processes); and then of course we can go from that point to even next meta-level (being aware of meta-level mental processes), and so on. If mind is infinite, this process probably is also infinite, never ending.
    From a limited perspective of a human being, it seems really like matter is solid (if limiting to physical senses), energy is divided into various forms such as protons, neutrons, photons, or quantum particles... But I'd start with the paradigm that energy is fluid and universal, and in this way we face only separation or limitation inherent within our own expectations and beliefs how the world works.
    And perhaps this point is really fascinating. There is really a lot to discover about the mind and the universe, how we limit ourselves and how we may overcome it: re-creating not just what is apparent, but foremostly transform our own perception of things...

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  2. #22

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    E=Mc squared says it all. Energy is matter at the speed of light, and consequentially, matter is energy that is not at the speed of light.

    The only way to truly convince someone that they have an astral body, or dreams, or an afterlife, is for them to experience it themselves.

    It is amazing how people change from being completely negative about OBE when they have one. Suddenly its all real to them.


  3. #23

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    I must admit that I believe in integration - that it is possible to integrate all of your parts. I am actually 100% certain that it is possible - and achievable in one lifetime! This means that to me any separation is just an illusion.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  4. #24

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    I understand where you are coming from, philosophically speaking.

    However, I have the opposite view.... that there is only one consciousness in the universe....


  5. #25

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    Okay. Thanks for sharing your view. I also understand your point, it is not unfamiliar to me.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    My experience is also that there is only ONE consiousness what I have to intergrate all my parts to be in synk with....the experience what I call the dividerline...was about this....I was not ready to go up into the ONE...I also did feel that I have own will but when I am ready to go into the ONE there is only ONE consiusness and I will be intergrated with it....I did also feel it is okay to take my time...but I felt that it will demand from my side to really be ready to give up my individuality ...but the price is bliss and happiness in a total new way what is not possible to dress in words.
    I feel a bit stupid but this experience was so strong and felt so I will stand for to be true to me.....and I believe what I experienced was real.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  7. #27

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by IA56 View Post
    My experience is also that there is only ONE consiousness what I have to intergrate all my parts to be in synk with....the experience what I call the dividerline...was about this....I was not ready to go up into the ONE...I also did feel that I have own will but when I am ready to go into the ONE there is only ONE consiusness and I will be intergrated with it....I did also feel it is okay to take my time...but I felt that it will demand from my side to really be ready to give up my individuality ...but the price is bliss and happiness in a total new way what is not possible to dress in words.
    I feel a bit stupid but this experience was so strong and felt so I will stand for to be true to me.....and I believe what I experienced was real.
    The "giving up" thing to me is actually a commonly believed philosophy - but if to think it through it will become obvious that it's nothing but how the logic wants to see things: as it may only move in the oppositions because it's the nature of logical mind. I put aside the 'ultimate' answers, because mind needs to expand in order to gain more understanding beyond the logical. If you realize that there are in the end no limitations and no opposites (all are the same, but viewed differently), the "loosing" idea will appear to be an illusion, I believe - i.e. there is nothing to give up, you only expand in the end. People believe that time is real, and this is the key point here; I believe that time is an illusion, and without time, you cannot loose anything.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  8. #28
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    Aug 2013

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by Antares View Post
    The "giving up" thing to me is actually a commonly believed philosophy - but if to think it through it will become obvious that it's nothing but how the logic wants to see things: as it may only move in the oppositions because it's the nature of logical mind. I put aside the 'ultimate' answers, because mind needs to expand in order to gain more understanding beyond the logical. If you realize that there are in the end no limitations and no opposites (all are the same, but viewed differently), the "loosing" idea will appear to be an illusion, I believe - i.e. there is nothing to give up, you only expand in the end. People believe that time is real, and this is the key point here; I believe that time is an illusion, and without time, you cannot loose anything.
    You are right...I did not mean that there is something to give up on when you are felt that way because I was not ready or I was ready but was told that I was not and I got to feel what more has to be done, but also that I had a choice as we have the own incarnate back to earth or to go up into the ONE was the distinction for me to understand the way how it will feel so I will know when I am ready...what I felt also was that in the ONE are everything and more...and there is no way negativity or evil will enter.....there is so much more but I lack the abillity to express it correctly....and to tell the whole steps because it is of other nature then our ordinary senses ...anyhow....
    Last edited by IA56; 26th June 2020 at 03:37 PM.
    Core Affirmation: I am loved and I am worthy,
    I am safe and I am free.
    I am powerfully protected.
    I am master of my body and ruler of my mind.
    By Robert Bruce

  9. #29

    Re: Can hats and hair interfere with crown chakra activity and Kundalini

    For mine, silence is the created One and respect is the two-for-all.

    It has been a trade-off, learning respect... I definately would recommend staying with the One for as long as you might.

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