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Thread: Who here has raised their kundalini

  1. #1

    Who here has raised their kundalini

    I am windering who has raised their kundalini and like how long did it take ypu to raise. What is it like. What abilities did ypu develop. If you have any interesting stories that would be awesome

  2. #2

    Re: Who here has raised their kundalini

    I did this about 30 years ago. Its a long story, which if you research radio shows I've done you'll find the whole story, which takes an hour to do justice to it.

    It took me about a week to do it the first time. And I have done it many times since then. It is not a 'do it once and you are done' kind of thing; regardless of what is commonly believed.

    It is a whole new level of consciousness.

    All psychic abilities and talents become available. What you can develop depends on what kind of psychic abilities you are interested in. We all have natural talents in this area, no matter how small.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Re: Who here has raised their kundalini

    I have managed to partially raise kundalini, but the Kundalini serpent stopped at a blockage.

    I have also managed to strobe my brow chakra with the brilliant flash of light in the minds eye, and around that time experienced a gigantic K spike which felt life threatening in magnitude (I was pushing to hard, to fast and too long with the spinning energy tube practice). I have also experienced small interesting almost pleasent K-spikes since then.

    I am now working up to fully raising Kundalini. I think this time it should go the full distance without stopping. I have spent many weeks working through my energy body clearing blockages and stuck energy (fingers crossed for a full raising soon)

    It has taken many weeks to get to where I am, with a big gap in the middle of my efforts.

    Even though I did not mange to fully raise Kundalini, I did experience a temporary enhancement of psychic abilities, intuition and even started singing along in time with a tune which my friend was singing in their head, which was kinda hilarious when we realised.

    Hope this helps


  4. #4

    Re: Who here has raised their kundalini

    My first raise was by shaktipat from an international source. Ultimately, The Almighty raised it up and through purporting "This you will be annihilated." Lately, I have learned to work with and through watery kundalini - fire is the first initiation into Source. It has been an endless journey of challenges and associations which I do indeed accept. Boundless - the limitations to the mind are fiction, the presence of Source an enduring fact...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Re: Who here has raised their kundalini

    I didn't try to raise it but it flared up when my mom passed away, and it was a very traumatic thing. I would have lost my mind if I hadn't read about it here and knew what to expect.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  6. Re: Who here has raised their kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by CFTraveler View Post
    I didn't try to raise it but it flared up when my mom passed away, and it was a very traumatic thing. I would have lost my mind if I hadn't read about it here and knew what to expect.
    wasnt urs done by shaktipat?

  7. Re: Who here has raised their kundalini

    Quote Originally Posted by olyris View Post
    My first raise was by shaktipat from an international source. Ultimately, The Almighty raised it up and through purporting "This you will be annihilated." Lately, I have learned to work with and through watery kundalini - fire is the first initiation into Source. It has been an endless journey of challenges and associations which I do indeed accept. Boundless - the limitations to the mind are fiction, the presence of Source an enduring fact...
    the serpent teacher lady?

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