Had still been following the program as laid out in my first post.

I'm working through the second CD which is focusing on clearing the mind by focusing on breath awareness, etc.
There are musical notes that play at increasing intervals and the goal is to get from one note to the next without losing focus.

I start out strong but then start losing focus as this goes on, although the CD is an hour long so I think this would be a challenge for many people.

I do a progressive muscle relaxation before starting the meditation but a few times have felt a very strong urge to get up and start moving during the meditation session - difficulty sitting still.

I will try to cut back on internet browsing as doing too much of this I've found can lead one to have some trouble focusing for long periods - feeling "scatter-brained" as we say.

I've been recording dreams and dream recall is slowly improving. I had a few instances where I realized I was dreaming but somehow did not think to take control of the dream. I have been reading galantamine has shown to improve lucid dreaming and dream recall in one study and am considering experimenting with this myself as part of this project.