Hi Antares,

I appreciate your reply and insights

I'm fully aware there are many dimensions with sub-dimensions, etc. I use a slightly different terminology here though, I would call them astral planes and within each plane there are realms. People often get confused between what is a dream or what is astral, to the point where they say there is no difference. This is common in particular when learning how to astral project, because it can seem so similar but when you practice it enough you start realizing the difference.

But yes, you are right on Chi/Shen/Ying however I see this more like a refining of the same basic force or underlying energy. Don't know a great deal about the system it's based on, did some martial arts back in the day - Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Qi Gong where we would meditate in Wuji stance at the end, doing a psi-ball generating type of thing and bring it into the dantien. I've read that we can develop psychic abilities (or what buddhists would call a siddhi) by refining our sexual energy into Jing, which can be refined further into Shen. Then it's just a matter of combing Chi, Jing and Shen to move mountains so to speak.

I'm just attempting to try and piece everything together, the more I look at it, the more it points to this conclusion that when we die we end up in same place as when we astral project which is quite similar to what would be a shared lucid dream where places are mutually agreed upon and consciously co-created, with living conscious intelligent beings inhabiting them.