I get a similar thing sometimes in recurring dreams where I remember that I've had the dream before and what to do next, but I STILL don't realise that it's a dream! So in waking life I will have forgotten it completely, then in the dream I remember all of these places and a script to follow. But I can't be entirely sure then if I'm dreaming that I remember or if I really do have memories that are only available in dreams. It has happened in unrelated dreams though, suppose I should have kept a diary to work it out. I think it's really interesting that your dreams seem to have a continuing timeline, it's kind of similar, but you don't repeat the same thing over.

I've had the "teeth falling out" kind of dream before, I remember one where they fell out and I crammed them back in to try and hide it from my mum. I had interpreted it as something about getting older, but I never thought of interpreting it as something to do with words, that could explain why I was trying to keep it secret.

Not really sure how to interpret the relationships because they're personal to you. I do notice that I sometimes fall into the same thought patterns when I'm hanging the laundry, wonder if the same theme is something conditioned by always napping in the same position.