I think there is a higher reason why religions are at decline. This refers not just to religions actually, but everything 'old', including all pagan stuff, wicca, even traditional magic, or magic in general.

However, I am more and more convinced that going the opposite extreme: creating the purely, extremely secular society which founds their beliefs in mechanical and cold science (as it is now) will fail as well.

"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" - but this is what the leaders of the XIXth and XXth century exactly did, providing a new 'wonderful' program for educating children (no one asking them what they think - or maybe feel, should I write - of it).

You may see some people trying to restore old beliefs, particularly in the pagan area, this includes some more esoteric circles like wicca, but IMHO all of those attempts will fail.

And actually everything will fail if not conforming with the progressive thought. The progressive thought, or wave, which I called in this thread's title a 'new tradition', is IMHO something that frees people from the old attachements and beliefs, and creating a totally new society. What will this 'new society' be is a matter of choices - both individually and massively, and how much harmony or disintegration (disagree) will follow in the upcoming decades between different people and views.

No doubt at the moment there is a large number of explicit conflicts between different views, not just science vs. mystic, but much more, in many areas. Science was the answer to the need of releasing old patterns (old traditions), but now there is a need to release the old - as it is now - fossilized science, or the way how it is provided at this point. Some people already tried to reform science and open it to the wider views; of course the first leaders are not just scientists, you may find them actually in any area.

This - following the progressive thought - would result in restoring economical, ecological, social and actually every other sort of balance on the Earth.