Regarding the poll I miss the none-of-the-above option.

If I had to make a choice among the existing options it would be 'related to soul or reincarnation' but I don't choose it because it is still too restrictive for me because of the second and too general because of the first aspect.

I mean, everything is somehow 'related to soul' for me. That does not tell about THIS very life's purpose. I think purposes, reasons and set life goals (if there are some) can change from life to life.

It being 'related to Karma or reincarnation' is also something I cannot entirely subscribe to if it implies some force (to incarnate because of entrapment) or religious dogma.

As CFT said, some souls might just be here for (first?) experience as a human, kind of like an observer or just 'for fun' or to learn but not certain about what exactly. I remember Robert Monroe in his books telling about his way how he came here.

All reasons or circumstances of how we end(ed) up on this rock of course can (like everything) also said to be a 'purpose' but I guess you mean(t) 'karmic' purposes or 'society' purpose or 'soul development' purpose in the poll - and this might not always be the case (although it can, but each case might be different). You see, I'm also oscillating a bit here.

To put it in other words: there is no sole ('soul') purpose as such.

In other words again: It all depends.