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Thread: Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body

  1. #1

    Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body

    Hi there folks :)

    Okay, I recently bought Hemi Sync's Journey Out of the Body FLAC files. There are four conditions A, B, C & D. I'm still stuck at condition A, I should remain awake, but my problem is that I keep falling asleep.
    I lay in my bed for hours listing to the condition A file.
    Being awake but somewhat sleepy, and then poof I'm gone and wake up a feel hours later. There is no transition phase in which I feel extremely tired. If that was the case I would know that is the stage in which I should remain focused.

    My question is, is there somebody that has experience with Hemi-sync's condition A, B, C and D. That can guide me through these files and share their experience and tips? Because I really want to be able to succeed with these files as it will give me access to the borderland state of being between awake-dream state. Not only for AP but also very handy for other practices. Please anyone help me out here...., :/

  2. #2
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    Re: Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body

    Try changing the time to practice. Try waking up extra early and move on to condition B if you've already spent a week listening to A. You're either too tired to practice at night or are a 'fast' trancer (not necessarily a good or bad thing) and need to do it less time. The purpose of condition A (to relax you) has pretty much been achieved. Now try to not fall asleep using meditations or other mental activities that consist of thinking about your day.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body

    Hi there CFTraveler,

    Thank you for your reply, strangely enough I did not got a email notification of you reply....,
    anyhow.. you mentioned that the purpose of condition A is to relax, as far I know the goal of condition A is to enter into the 'mind awake body asleep state' and very importantly the person should be able to stay indefinitely in that sate, while keeping ones attention and focus on a certain thing. Condition B is similar but then the person should not keep ones attention on anything but just looking at the blackness behind his/her eyes.

    One of the parts that really confuse me is the word "indefinitely" i mean true indefinitely can not occur right? A person can't be laying in his bed in that state for weeks.., Do you know a duration which i should aim for? to know if I have succeeded/reached the goal of the exercises. 1h/3h ect....

    What does fast trancer mean? I want to know more about this strength or weakness to know how to navigate that.
    Thank you very much about your suggestion that I might to tired to practice at night, I just thought i need it to do these exercises when I'm tired or sleepy.
    It never dawned on me that I might to exhausted to do these exercises on that moment. Unfortunately I can't take naps during the day, because if I try I will be laying for hours with out passing out. I will follow your suggestion to try these exercises in the morning.
    I had bought these files around the end of February this year, after I heard Bruce talking about them in his Astral Projection course.
    Recently I started working with these files again after other practices and exercises did not brought me the the results that I seek. mainly to have the ability to enter into a very deep state of trance.

    I'm also have the entire Gateway series, but was put off by the earlier exercises, how compatible is the Gateway series compared to the Journey out of Body files? And by that I mean especially the completion of condition C, when the person can enter into a deep altered state yet feeling fully rested and refreshed...
    Which focus level is that from the gateway series? otherwise I might pick up the Gateway series and work with them as there is more guidance for the practitioner...

    Again thank you very much for you information, I finally found a person that can walk me through these files

  4. #4
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    Re: Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body

    Quote Originally Posted by Jos bos View Post
    Hi there CFTraveler,

    Thank you for your reply, strangely enough I did not got a email notification of you reply....,
    This forum is migrating and things are not working as they should. There is a thread in the announcements section.
    anyhow.. you mentioned that the purpose of condition A is to relax, as far I know the goal of condition A is to enter into the 'mind awake body asleep state' and very importantly the person should be able to stay indefinitely in that sate, while keeping ones attention and focus on a certain thing. Condition B is similar but then the person should not keep ones attention on anything but just looking at the blackness behind his/her eyes.
    They're graduations of the same thing- you just begin to get into trance with A, and deepen it with B. I believe that the frequencies are a bit lower as you go.

    One of the parts that really confuse me is the word "indefinitely" i mean true indefinitely can not occur right? A person can't be laying in his bed in that state for weeks.., Do you know a duration which i should aim for? to know if I have succeeded/reached the goal of the exercises. 1h/3h ect....
    If I remember correctly each CD is of a fixed duration, so I wouldn't go any longer, unless you don't feel you've achieved the state you're aiming for. Indefinitely is an ideal thing, in reality it's about an hour. Gurus and adepts are able to meditate for longer periods of time, but this is not what we're doing here- just trying to get you to a deep enough trance that you go into a transitional state.

    What does fast trancer mean? I want to know more about this strength or weakness to know how to navigate that.
    Some people are in trance more than others when they don't have a lot of sensory stimulation- some people might fall into trance in a few minutes, for (most) others it takes longer. Babies are in trance most of the time, while adults don't. If you're one of those people that sit down to take a 10 minute break and starts seeing visions or hearing stuff in your head, you might be a fast trancer.
    Thank you very much about your suggestion that I might to tired to practice at night, I just thought i need it to do these exercises when I'm tired or sleepy.
    Nope. Sleep is losing consciousness, staying with your mind awake while your body goes to sleep is what you want to do.

    I'm also have the entire Gateway series, but was put off by the earlier exercises, how compatible is the Gateway series compared to the Journey out of Body files? And by that I mean especially the completion of condition C, when the person can enter into a deep altered state yet feeling fully rested and refreshed...
    Which focus level is that from the gateway series? otherwise I might pick up the Gateway series and work with them as there is more guidance for the practitioner...
    It's been many many years since I did some of the Gateway series, but if I remember correctly, the series is longer, and its purpose is getting you comfortable with trance, familiarizing you with these states. It takes a while to get to the deep trance, and the Gateway series just does this- I would equate it to going all the way into the deepest trance, and taking a while to get there, but not doing anything else. (now I have to remember the focus levels- you probably get to a focus 27 eventually, but don't go any deeper.)
    When you do the JOOB, Condition A to C basically take you through to the same focus levels, but with Condition D you learn to do an exit technique when you're at the right state having the right symptoms. Or so is what I remember. When Robert teaches his courses using the JOOB series he incorporates energy body loosening and exit techniques into the end of the routine, putting Condition D on a loop to give you time to get to the right spot before trying an exit.
    Or it's what I remember, other Gateway program graduates might have a different experience.

    Again thank you very much for you information, I finally found a person that can walk me through these files
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body


    Thank you very much for clarifying so much, it seemed that I approached and worked with these files the wrong way.
    I always thought that I need to work with them on the brink of collapsing into sleep. But based on what your wrote I can work with these files at any point of the day and the goal is to bring my self into a deep state of relaxation and then deepening it by entering into a trance state. Feeling extremely sleepy is not necessary (so it seems)

    just trying to get you to a deep enough trance that you go into a transitional state.
    I need to do some proper research about this transition state you mentioned. So that I can recognize if I reached such a state. Would you say that feeling a certain energy flowing through your body and some sort of numb/stiff feeling in the arms and legs can count as such a state?

  6. #6
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    Re: Need guidance with Hemi Sync's Journey out of the Body

    There's a thread called 'your first conscious projection' that is stickied in the OBE forums, I suggest you give it a read- it lists every possible symptom you might get of trance. It isn't a 'piecemeal' type of thing, because some symptoms indicate you're ready to try to exit, but they're not the same for everyone. When I was learning I found that when I heard voices I was ready, later on it was strong vibrations, and later even, there had to be a combination of symptoms. So it's a question of waiting long enough and experimenting, changing what you consider 'the symptom' as you change with your practice.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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