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Thread: Awerness Tactile Imaging

  1. #1

    Awerness Tactile Imaging

    Hi there,

    I don't know if this particular question is asked before, but I could not find it.

    After watching Robert Bruce's Kundalini and Higher Self courses.
    I wanted to know what the purpose of Awerness Tactile Imaging is in my situation. Because I quite not get the meaning of the exercise. For example I can move energy through my body. If I want to follow the steps that are described in the courses. Do I need to follow the techniques of moving my fingers a long my arm or leg, and try to remember that feeling?

    Or are those exercises designed for people that do not have experience with moving energy through their body?

  2. #2
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    Re: Awerness Tactile Imaging

    Hi jos bos.
    The purpose of tactile imaging is to induce a feedback mechanism in the way you move energy- you move energy, and feel a tingle when you do. You don't just think you're moving energy, you feel it.
    Using your physical fingers in the beginning of the exercise is only done in the beginning, to help you to target an area with your mind. You touch it, you take away the finger and feel the remaining feeling, and then using your mind, you keep the tingle going and expand it to other areas of the body. This is to teach you how energy feels as it moves, and to help you have an idea of when it's working and when it isn't.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Awerness Tactile Imaging

    Ok thank you CFT Traveler for your time and energy to write that response.
    Based on what you said, in my case I can skip those preliminary exercises.
    And jump straight to the portion of the course, that teaches what to do next. When a person is sufficient in moving the energy.

    I had a incline that the beginner techniques was meant to teach folks to conjure up this energy.
    But at the same time, I thought maybe this is a entirety different practice.
    For example, I'm quite used and familiar to the sensations of my energy body. Only recently I felt my astral body for the first time ever, while listening to a guide meditation.

    For a layman it's seems all just one and the same. If it's not the physical body. Then the astral and energy body are the same. But I must say based on my own experience, that the energy body feels distinctively different and the astral body.
    Last edited by Jos bos; 21st January 2022 at 11:18 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Awerness Tactile Imaging
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. Re: Awerness Tactile Imaging

    Ola CFTraveler I have a few more questions

    The energy in my fingers and hands feels weaker than the energy sensations I normally would feel in my chest. Is this common?

    How do I know when my tertiary and secondary circuits are properly cleansed of blocks and I can start working on the chakras? I know Bruce said something about the first 3 months a person should only work on the tertiary and secondary circuits. But is there another way to find out if those are cleansed enough?

    How many hours per day should I do energy work? I read Bruce saying 15min to 30min.
    But somewhere on the forum Bruce mentioned 1H but he also said 2-3H is even better.

    What would a daily energy work routine look like?
    Doing 2-3H full body circuit and that’s it?
    Last edited by Jos bos; 9th March 2024 at 02:55 PM.

  6. Re: Awerness Tactile Imaging

    *Answer by CFTraveler

    1. It’s not uncommon. Some places are more sensitive than others, for me, the palms and the feet are strong, while I barely feel anything in the abdominal areas.

    2. It’s not something I’ve thought too much about, but the more clear things get the less sensation, depending on how strong they were before.

    3. I did 5-10min per section, it could be more, but if you’re bored doing it it’s too long.

    3b: I do brushing-sponging starting with feet, legs, torso (as a whole, not the actual main chakras) arms, neck & head, then I do full-body circuits and other stuff like color breathing, but never more than an hour. I know that at times he’s said “The longer the better”, but I think that it’s situation-specific, not really for everyone at all times.

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