As the title say, did someone tried a more natural approach to AP? I'm experimenting with something that I discovered a two years ago on my own, doing it on and off when I'm in the mood for it and just wanted to share it. It is kind of a short and simple, in a way is skipping over the relaxation stage, the trance inducing stage and body loosening stage and can produce sudden exit symptoms( voices and sometimes even screams, stream of images, vibrations, shaking or body distortion) in several minutes or sometimes even seconds. I'm trying it when I'm more tired and sleepy, best at naps, the procedure is simple: Say to yourself that you are going for a projection and then lay down flat on your back with bended knees and one arm over your head on the pillow( the the other arm can be on your chest or on the side) and just try to fall asleep and that is it. The intention and the strange sleeping position gives you a tiny bit of continuous awareness while falling asleep.

If you try this you can share your experience here, I will gladly read it. If someone have similar approach please share it with us.

Experimenting with this approach begin with the following experience which I posted on a different forum:
I just made a cool experiment, at my napping time. Instead of trying to WILD, I said to myself verbally in my head that I am going to observe myself falling asleep very slowly. I think lucid dreaming take place on the surface of Dreaming aka the Rem which translate to more awareness and control of what is happening in the dream, but in the deeper layers of sleep or the phase, control is harder to achieve, but everything is much more stable and detailed like in the real world. But WILDing and falling asleep are two different directions, when you try to WILD it is like you are halting the natural process which the mind is going through every day.

The experiment I did today gave me the opportunity not to halt the natural processes of falling asleep, but to flow with it. To fall asleep a little slower and to have tiny dots of consciousness I said to myself that I must not fall asleep completely because I need to attend to other task, additionally I grab my index finger on right hand with my left hand to feel some pressure awareness and I totally let go to the sleep urge, while just observing what is happening.

I start to see different colors, shapes, sceneries(while not focus my vision on anything particular that was happening),
suddenly I was in a book store, the book titles were perfectly readable, my vision got closer to books names then suddenly everything go far far away, I was falling through some colorful holes(i totally lost the sensation of my physical body), saw a human face, the image became grey like from x-ray and then transparent, I see his brain, something was pulling me inside his mind, I felt many different feelings while I was holding tightly to my tiny amount of consciousness, something pull me even deeper, I saw an infinity field of minds which were connected through strings made from emotions, thoughts, ideas and other stuff I don't understand, a giant network of consciousness, it was pulling me even deeper and harder and I saw stuff I totally can't describe, in that moment a voice from far away echoed, I couldn't understand it at first, but after a while finally reached me, I heard my best friend voice: "If you go any deeper I won't be able to catch you, listen to my voice and catch it, I will pull you out", I attached my dot of consciousness to his voice and felt a strong pulling out sensation and a second later I wake up. I felt deeply relaxed.