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Thread: Hello My Name Is John

  1. #1

    Hello My Name Is John


    My name is John Nagel,

    I have spent about a little over 10 years learning the fundamentals of magic from Robert Bruce through his courses and energy books, on manifestation & healing and psychic self-defense. ( currently still in progress learning to astral project effectively and doing Kundalini)
    About almost 2 years ago I finally decided to also take up black magic, buying some of Balg products to start off with.

    Ambition?s - My ambitions is to utilize manual energy stimulation techniques in combination with black magic to further discover new ways to evolve and to ultimately share my knowledge and personal experience with others sooner or later. Hopefully sooner.

    My current struggles - Money? unfortunately in order for me to have the proper time I want to study and test magic I need to have enough money to make more productive time for this, I have noticed a significant improvement ever since I have started incorporating black magic along side with manual energetic techniques, real soon money won't be a problem.

    Thank you for reading my post and I hope to learn from you all as-well as I am still considering myself a beginner,

    John N

  2. #2
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    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    Hello John. What do you consider black magic to be? The left hand path? Or something more specific?
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  3. #3

    Re: Hello My Name Is John


    I see ‘black magic’ as magic.

    That stuff out there about left hand path and demons, etc..

    I see ‘demons and angels’ as Entitys.

    I see ‘Blood magic and black magic, etc.’ as magic.

    I don't give anything an actual label, but when talking about it I would refer to it as such.

  4. #4
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    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    Ok. Some people use the term 'left hand path' because it is an intuitive path, while they use 'black magic' as curses, demon invoking, and generally not caring about the consequences for others. Just wanted to know where you fall in the range of practices.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    I understand.

    Black magic can definitely be a scary thing in the wrong hands, but no need to worry, from what I noticed its usually because they havent gone through the psychic self defense course Robert has. If every magician knew how negs operate then I believe the black magic community would definitely benefit the most, since they mess with some pretty effective stuff.

    However, since I first started off magic with Robert Bruces courses I have become a very mature and understanding person. So when I decided to take up black magic, I decided to further practice manifestation and healing by taking it to the next level by making friends with these “demons”.

    I love these “demons” , I like to call them entitys because they are kind of like normal people, they just get labeled demon, I think its bad terminology in my opinion, a lot of the stuff is very normal

    I also practice psychic self defense and have taken it further with these entity's. Im learning new things all the time with them, they are very smart. I have dabbled around in reversals with my friends but I try to be careful because banishing and reversing in combination with the help of a powerful “demon” is very effective method from what I notice and since its pretty much instantaneous I try and focus most of my efforts on healing and banishing.

    however.. the negs are very smart, even with the instant effects I am able to manifest, these thing will still prey upon weak people around me, which means Im constantly be tested, but I notice I pass a lot of these test because I have proper guidance from Robert Bruce and a couple of black magicians and aswell as my friends (demons).

  6. #6

    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    Quote Originally Posted by John N View Post
    My current struggles - Money? unfortunately in order for me to have the proper time I want to study and test magic I need to have enough money to make more productive time for this, I have noticed a significant improvement ever since I have started incorporating black magic along side with manual energetic techniques, real soon money won't be a problem.
    IMO people who are focused on esoteric topics often struggle with the financial, or material, side of the reality - and this is not, as typically believed, because of these goals (esoteric vs. financial) being opposite to each other. I.e. some people in esoterics consider themselves to be spiritual, and money to be unspiritual. This is not true - none of these two has much to do with spirituality, i.e. esoterics is not spirituality, these are two different things. I would risk a statement that even churches or modern religions have not much to do with spirituality, if anything.

    The reason for financial problems is generally that the approach to finances in our reality requires a certain mindset, and approach to esoterics approach requires another mindset. These are two different, but not necessrily opposite, mindsets. Interests in esoterics is related to research and open mind sort of approach. It is very different from approach to finances: you need to be very strategic and refer to a certain set of facts, related to the market, i.e. have a "market" mindset - and this requires solely using logical part of your mind. I'm sorry to say it, but I really do not believe people who consider themselves spiritual, one of most famous being Joe Vitale (no offense), who believe in affirmations and other garbage of that sort Also, magic IMO will not help anyone much in the physical reality in the financial sense (or, to be more general, where planning is required); I have heard some reknown mages who considered creating a banknotes of 100$ (i.e. manifesting the thing physically) as magic. Magic also - in my current understanding - does not work this way; I know about no person who got rich purely because of the magical activity - IMO because true magic never guarantee anything, it is an indirect influence on the non-physical parts of the reality, and if you want to influence it directly, you have to use sort of kinetic skills, like creating a golden items from nothing. The best way to get money if to use magic is to influence the reality in the way which triggers "opportunities", but still you have to later get out and seek out these. IMO the financial side of our world does not work in a sense of affirmations or their magical equivalents, in opposite to what many esoteric or "financially esoteric" handbooks suggest. To be successful in any field you need to apply to its rules, i.e. in the financial subset of the "reality" you need planning, determining your goals, translating your intentions into well perfomed actions, constantly check the market response (market-related subset of our social reality) and understand what is "selling" in possibly universal sense, or at least has enough experience to have any conclusions. Practical psychology of selling is really helpful - understanding people why they are bying vs. what they are thinking why. So in brief market approach is like a strategic game: with a certain set of rules and strictly related elements - but the difference to any game is that you don't know about these facts, rules and inner relations upfront and you have to discover them yourself. From my observations, this is how you overcome financial issues: by being strategic. As you can see, this is very different than any esoterics subject, which is more volatile, while the "world" of market / finances is hard as a rock. Most of people, not being involved in esoterics at all, have also NO market mindset (but also most of the population also has no esoterics mindset, spiritual mindset etc.). Believe it or not, we live in a sort of socialism where people go to work which awaits them, they don't have to do much beyond what they are told to do - they do not have to think much (or at all) about the market, with some few exceptions for sales people and marketers, but even these - when leaving a company they work for - have big trouble in finding themselves alone, without help of a big organization. So in big part it is socialism, not capitalism which requires more independence, i.e. not depending on the system.
    Last edited by Antares; 15th May 2022 at 06:26 PM.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  7. #7

    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    I appreciate you taking the time to write this, I appreciate this.

    I completely understand what you are saying, as a matter if fact I'm pretty knowledgable in the fields that are producing money for me. It's not the magic, or the action taking that's making the money an issue..

    A big problem that I personally deal with is demonic attacks..

    You see... When I was 19, I had used magic to obtain an amazing opportunity, this job I got, I was making about $1000 a week, now, that might not be the greatest paycheck, but... Coming from my family, and the way we grew up, well... making $1000 a week you would be considered a god... But, A huge issue I unfortunately ran into was a lot of neg abuse, so as much as I like the response you gave, you must know that my situation isn't a mindset issue or a lack of taking action... It's the neg abuse

    Back when I was making a lot of good money, these negs unfortunately took advantage of me because I was weak... My reality was being manipulated because of my lack of self defense back then... Being the best worker, or salesman, or data proccessing doesn't help when people around me are constantly being manipulated by things they do not understand... I lost everything I manifested, but the experience was gained.

    This is the price I paid because I loved everybody... But I am strong now. The negs wanted to me to turn Into an asshole and become a vampire.. but I decided to learn and get real strong
    Last edited by John N; 16th May 2022 at 02:49 AM.

  8. #8

    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    Quote Originally Posted by John N View Post
    Back when I was making a lot of good money, these negs unfortunately took advantage of me because I was weak... My reality was being manipulated because of my lack of self defense back then... Being the best worker, or salesman, or data proccessing doesn't help when people around me are constantly being manipulated by things they do not understand... I lost everything I manifested, but the experience was gained.

    This is the price I paid because I loved everybody... But I am strong now. The negs wanted to me to turn Into an asshole and become a vampire.. but I decided to learn and get real strong
    Could you describe more precisely what you have experienced? And what does it mean to "become a vampire", I mean what do you mean by a vampire? I think that in some way we had similar experiences, some of which I mentioned on this forum. If you don't want to talk about it in public, please send me a PM (Private Message).

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  9. #9

    Re: Hello My Name Is John


    I appreciate wanting to private dm with me, I definitely could have used some guidance when I was younger but, these attacks don't hurt me no more. I got my stuff sorted out already, I learned the hard way by now.

    I mainly come on here to study the neg abuse forum and browse around.

    But to answer your question.. I got so good at manifesting and staying within the theta state naturally that I was able to control my reality, putting things into peoples head, etc... For example, like getting a job with the hiring manager ( I never did anything malicious, or at least not on purpose)

    I wasn't very knowledgeable about negs back then, quite a few years back but, I believe a high level negative entity started to really take notice of me, and I was given a choice. It was either I start harming people in some way shape or form to drain there vitality and share it with the negs or.. If I continue being nice, loving and understanding then I would be destroyed.

    Well.. I'm a fighter so of course I didn't want to sit there and give in to start taking advantage of people with my abilitys, so.. Little by little I started getting attacked, worse and worse until I lost my job and my family thought I was an idiot... It even got to a point where one time I went unconscious during my drive back home( I don't even know how I got home safely, but I woke up inside my car parked outside the house haha) some neg was attacking me because I was so tired and basically vulnerable ( I was high on marijuana, so I definitely made it easy for them that time)

    But yeah.. I finally decided to had get a consultation with Robert and I came to a realization that negs have been abusing me the whole time, and that is when my journey started into self defense... These things are cruel but I am good now, I had to learn some things the hard way... but I am still track.

  10. #10

    Re: Hello My Name Is John

    Thanks for sharing your story. I'm curious how did you handle the negs?

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

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