I understand.

Black magic can definitely be a scary thing in the wrong hands, but no need to worry, from what I noticed its usually because they havent gone through the psychic self defense course Robert has. If every magician knew how negs operate then I believe the black magic community would definitely benefit the most, since they mess with some pretty effective stuff.

However, since I first started off magic with Robert Bruces courses I have become a very mature and understanding person. So when I decided to take up black magic, I decided to further practice manifestation and healing by taking it to the next level by making friends with these “demons”.

I love these “demons” , I like to call them entitys because they are kind of like normal people, they just get labeled demon, I think its bad terminology in my opinion, a lot of the stuff is very normal

I also practice psychic self defense and have taken it further with these entity's. Im learning new things all the time with them, they are very smart. I have dabbled around in reversals with my friends but I try to be careful because banishing and reversing in combination with the help of a powerful “demon” is very effective method from what I notice and since its pretty much instantaneous I try and focus most of my efforts on healing and banishing.

however.. the negs are very smart, even with the instant effects I am able to manifest, these thing will still prey upon weak people around me, which means Im constantly be tested, but I notice I pass a lot of these test because I have proper guidance from Robert Bruce and a couple of black magicians and aswell as my friends (demons).