
Would the Energy Body Workout from the Mastering Astral Projection Course be a good workout to do in General. Should I follow the Energy Exercises step by step from the Energy Work book? Like I am not sure what exercises I should do first step by step to the next exercises or does it matter in what order i do them? What would be the best exercises to do as a beginner to intermediate that I can do for days, weeks and months to come? Not sure what practices i should work on first and for how long? I know all the exercises that are Taught from the energy work book are created for astral projection, chackra development, raising kundalini. Should I do all relaxing exercises before doing the other energy workouts first. How can I enhance my workouts would it be better to do them in the morning mid day or at nights? Would it be better to do them indoor or outdoor? Are there any supplements you recommend? Like I want to dedicate my life to this so i can achieve and develop all abilities so I want to spend as much time as I can to excel faster. Any recommendations, suggestions? What are your experiences or what do you practices? Anything and everything helps?