Hello Antares, How do you do?

What would you consider focusing on the mental side? I practice the energy body workout video from the "Mastering Astral Projection Video" I think it is a great exercise to do the way it is put together. Do you know which Exercise I am talking about? I think it is also energy workout? Would you consider working with the chakras to be energy workout since you use your tactile senses to stimulate these centers? Right now from what I experience is the energy building by focusing on my hands and brushing my hands and feet and arm and leg bounces. I also feel my chakras clicking and aligning me in a way as i work up the chakras. Somehow I am not advancing because i feel something is not allowing to practice properly like something undermining my practicing I can't focus and like i feel my mind locking on me and keeping from focusing on my tactile senses, I am thinking its because i can't seem to find a proper practice space. I sometimes see flashes of light in my minds eye as i do brushes and bounces.