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Thread: Weird Experiance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Weird Experiance

    Hi My Friends,

    It's been a long time since I've written. I have bee soo busy with appts and stuff for several months--every day.
    Needles to sy, I haven't been able to project because my ming cannot settle down--and that bothers me a lot; since, I was able to project quite easily.

    Things are calming dowm little by little.

    Anyway here is a weird thing that happen to me 2 days ago: I have a cat that needs insulin injections 2wice a day. At his evening injection, I tried to fill his syringe, but, it was too dark to see the graduations on the syringe. So I said to myself, but out loud, I have to turn on the light to see the graduations.

    At the moment I finished saying that, I heard a sliding noise. I looked behind me and the lights went on===!!! What happened was that a broom was leaning against the wall. It fell, sliding, its handle against the wall. As it slid the handle hit the light switch and turned the light on !!!!!! How do you explain that!, at the exact second i sai I need to turn on the light, that happened?

    Well, that's what happened--coincidence--I think not.

    See ya Gang.


  2. #2

    Re: Weird Experiance

    Hi Grant, Nice to hear from you again. I agree with you on that one. Too incredible to be just a coincidence.Like you my mind wont settle down but its not because of work, I?m retired. I just want to say that I?mback reading a book you recommended a few years ago, .Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm. Beyond the doors of perception. By Stephen Harold Buhner. As I turn the pages I?m finding areas I highlighted from last time but I feel I?m reading it for the first time. Such a good book.I think maybe my OBEs are now a thing of the past. I hope not, they were fun and informative.
    Good Luck with your journey.
    For ever I'll remember.
    Dreams are the doorways to the heavens.
    Look into your eyes and I see mine.
    She is part of your deepest thoughts.
    The destination is not the importance, but the journey. What we do here leads us to our destination.
    ( my soul. )

  3. #3

    Re: Weird Experiance

    This is not a coincidence. Very cool experience.
    This collector of useless clutter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Re: Weird Experiance

    Awesome. The universe rearranged itself to get you what you needed. Very cool indeed.
    "Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal" Dr. Wayne Dyer.

  5. #5

    Re: Weird Experiance

    Quote Originally Posted by GRANT View Post
    Hi My Friends,

    It's been a long time since I've written. I have bee soo busy with appts and stuff for several months--every day.
    Needles to sy, I haven't been able to project because my ming cannot settle down--and that bothers me a lot; since, I was able to project quite easily.

    Things are calming dowm little by little.

    Anyway here is a weird thing that happen to me 2 days ago: I have a cat that needs insulin injections 2wice a day. At his evening injection, I tried to fill his syringe, but, it was too dark to see the graduations on the syringe. So I said to myself, but out loud, I have to turn on the light to see the graduations.

    At the moment I finished saying that, I heard a sliding noise. I looked behind me and the lights went on===!!! What happened was that a broom was leaning against the wall. It fell, sliding, its handle against the wall. As it slid the handle hit the light switch and turned the light on !!!!!! How do you explain that!, at the exact second i sai I need to turn on the light, that happened?

    Well, that's what happened--coincidence--I think not.

    See ya Gang.

    Had sort of similar experiences, some I even put in the forum. In the past I thought it's magic, now I'm thinking it works a very different way... Since I registered to this forum I got more information in meanwhile about how the universe works, and I'd expect this were ghosts (conscious energies, or however you want to call them) who move such objects. It happens to me very often quite recently - they may do that, I ensure.

    Be objective, research the reality and don't assume things just because of experts

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Re: Weird Experiance

    Hi Gang and Gangettes,
    I'm not on the computer much lately. Yes, my OBEs have seem to settle down a bit. I really thi9nk I can't relax enough---my mind won't settle down. I miss the vibrations most of all.

    I think that we've experienced the OBEs and have become a little lax in our concentration; I have.

    Life is throwing me a little busy time right now and it's hard to relax.

    I still have OBEs, but they're different somehow.

    Its time to start practicing again. I have had a lot of weird experiences lately. Sometimes I think I'm projecting in real life3.


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